Window screen vaporizer
I worked on a contract in North Dakota in the early 70's when there was a gas shortage and stations were limiting the amount you could buy.
Several of the old timers there said that during the depression they put a piece of copper window screen sandwiched between two gaskets under the carburetor to help vaporize raw gas droplets.
They said however, that the screen had to be replaced occasionally because a hole would be eaten in the center of the screen after some period of use. The fact that the copper is consumed tells me that at least something is going on in there. Today we have aluminum or fiberglass window screen, and copper is hard to find.
I tried this recently, and it seemed to help. There are no hard figures yet. Here is one thing to watch for: on my Holley, the throttle plates extend below the bottom of the carb when they open and cut the screen in a half-moon shape. A spacer would be required.
There may be a slight reduction in performance since it does in effect reduce the bore area.
Anyhow, here it is. maybe it is a forgotten piece of science, or maybe just country lore, but it does make some sense in theory.