TJ: Bug Shield testing
For starters, while I know adding a bug shield should be a given MPG penalty on any kind of vehicle, but considering the aerodynamics of a TJ (two completely vertical/flat surfaces; the grill and the windshield) I figured it might just help. So I had a bug shield I had bought a while back and I figured why not.
I used the route from my house to school as my test route. Tests were performed over 3 days. Run A is going to school, B is heading back, a trip distance of 12.3 miles. Engine was cold for all runs. I go in around 10, leave around 7. Run A temps were 64F-66F, Run B temps were around 66F-68F Cruise control was set at 65 mph.
Run A
Shield on: 19.6
Shield off: 20.3
Shield on: 19.8
Run B
Shield on: 17.9
Shield off: 16.2
Shield on: 17.3
Now my question is that, going in, there appears to be a small hit in FE but it could be almost neglibile, but going back there is a descent gain in FE with it on, why is that? I'd have figured a penalty on both trips