Originally Posted by maximilian
I was thinking that if a form containing most of the common modifications were part of the garage profiles that it would then be much easier to analyze which modifications contributed to % over EPA increases. There'd just need to be check boxes for each of the modifications. I suppose radio buttons for the type of driving you do might be helpful as well. I live in a mountain area, do little city driving, but have snowy road conditions for part of the year, for example.
I know this would be a lot of work and would possibly yield little benefit, but I'm just throwing it out there.
I have a great respect for people with the love statistics. What would make it hard is people like me who's only real way of A-B B-A testing is the "Fill up the gas tank method." And quite frankly I don't have time for that. I've yet to discover a real time fuel consumption instrumentation that works for my Dual Point Fuel Injection system.
I wonder how many people may fit into the same category as me.
On the other hand I would love for our garages to have categories of different driving techniques. For example for me it would look like this:
How do you drive:
Flat Ground: Pulse & Engine Off Glide.
Highway: 60mph down to 50mph (45mph when I can)
Around Town: Speed limit down to 5/10 under the speed limit.
Uphills: Pulse and Glide unless it takes more than 70% throttle then I'll drive steady throttle. I'll try to hit my maximum pulse just over the top of the hill at the beginning of the descent.
Downhills: DFCO or EOC when possible. Or Pulse and Engine-Off Glide to with the attempt to hit my "Goal minimum speed" at the bottom of the hill/descent.
Stoplights: Shut off when anticipating to idle longer than 15 seconds.