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Old 06-05-2008, 04:33 PM   #41
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cugir321, where in the intake tract are you introducing the HHO? Just thinking that if you just had it between the filter and the throttle plate somewhere, it was a slight vacuum pulling it in and when you went to the K&N you lost that.

I remember The RoadWarrior..To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time..the world was powered by the black fuel & the desert sprouted great cities..Gone now, swept away..two mighty warrior tribes went to war & touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing..thundering machines sputtered & stopped..Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice
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Old 06-05-2008, 05:29 PM   #42
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Country: United States
very good point!

Now that is a good thought! The thing is, if there was no vacuum pulling the hydrogen then the pressure would build up in the cell and blow out the explosion valve. I blew the top off of my first cell by tapping into the output of my air filter was double walled on my jeep. I'm told the first walled area is a type of check valve. But, there was no flow of bubbles. Now there my gut says the hydrogen is making it into the air manifold tube. I'm tapped into the rubber hose after the air filter box. I would think that if the air flow was more restricted with the standard air filter then there would be more draw on the hydrogen input line. Kind of like sticking your finger over a vacuum cleaner hose. You may have a good point. The K&N opened the air flow wide!!!! I was thinking today of trying to block some of the air flow into the air filter box to see how it would effect mpg. Would less air cause the oxygen sensor to think "rich" and reduce fuel. The fuel cell provides some oxygen..... There would be a point where it would not be efficent because of too low of an air flow but......?????

In the near future I will put a "t" fitting to the CCV value (pcv) line and switch to the K&N again. It will be interesting to see the results after getting away from the manifold line. I've been told by mechanics that the best input area is the air manifold line not the pcv line because it is more direct to the cylinders.

I don't understand the difference between a pcv and a ccv valve....I really don't want to create a large amount of hydrogen sitting in the crankcase...essentially a bomb. If you light off a liter of hydrogen it explodes with amazing power. A full crankcase???? I'm told it eventually makes it to the cylinders but I really would like a definative answer before I tap the ccv line. I do know that the guys at work have tapped their pcv line and it is amazing the effect on the engine. It quiets it down...the lifters go quiet...the engine relaxes. I don't get the same effect tapping the manifold line. It takes longer to quiet it....but, the pcv valve line has maximum suction at idle. The suction reverses as the speed of the vehicle increase....more suction on the manifold line and less on the pcv line so am I getting more of a benefit at higher speeds where it counts more....not idle?

Originally Posted by RoadWarrior View Post
cugir321, where in the intake tract are you introducing the HHO? Just thinking that if you just had it between the filter and the throttle plate somewhere, it was a slight vacuum pulling it in and when you went to the K&N you lost that.

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