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Old 05-25-2008, 04:43 PM   #1
Registered Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Some thoughts on HHO

HHO by weight is 12.5% hydrogen. Thats your fuel, not oxygen. 2 parts hydrogen (atomic weight 1), to 1 part oxygen (atomic weight 16). I rounded the numbers off slightly to make the math easier.

Liquid hydrogen contains 1/3 the energy of liquid gasoline per gallon.

1 gallon of liquid hydrogen evaporates into 860 gallons of hydrogen gas (at 68 degrees F).

Thats 6880 gallons of HHO.

Take my VX as an example, it burns 1 gallon of gasoline per hour, in lean cruise at 55 MPH.

I gallon of gasoline vapor is 30 cubic feet at 7.5 gallons per cubic foot or 225 gallons of gasoline vapor.

Figure the lean burn AF ratio at 20 to 1.

That means it takes 4500 gallons of air fuel mix per hour at 55 MPH.

Now lets assume your generator is producing a gallon (very optomistic) of HHO per minute, thats 60 gallons per hour.

7.5 gallons of hydrogen vapor (12.5% of total HHO by weight) divided by 848=.0088433 gallons of liquid hydrogen divided by 3=.002811 gallon of liquid hydrogen, of the equivalent energy content of gasoline by equal energy content (1 gallon of hydrogen=1/3 gallon of gas).

You are adding 60 vapor gallons to 4500 (75-1) vapor gallons and only .002811 liquid equivalent (at 3 hydrogen to 1 gasoline) gallons of the 60 vapor gallons is hydrogen fuel, compared to 1 liquid gallon of gasoline.

Thats an equivalent energy content of 355 parts gasoline to 1 part hydrogen.

Obviously to achieve a 50% improvement in fuel mileage the energy is not coming from the hydrogen, and it can't come from the oxygen since oxygen has no energy content to convert.

All this math is from the internet and my calculations could be wrong, but I don't think so. Please feel free to correct the math.

If the hydrogen is perfectly recombining with the oxygen and forming a steam vapor it still doesnt make sense that 60/4500 additional humidity could account for the mileage increase. Superheating steam would also reduce peak combustion chamber temperatures and reduce expansion ratio (or use the heat created in the hydrogen combustion itself). I don't think that is even a facotor since the HHO starts as a vapor anyway, so it would have to ignite, condense and expand in the milliseconds it would take for the piston to travel 1/2 revolution from TDC to BDC.

In testing with premixed fuel and air perfectly atomized the net gain is 25%. Its called homogenous charge compression ignition and produces emissions so low no aftertreatment is necessary.

I would appreciate constructive comments, spare me the character assasination.

R.I.D.E. is offline   Reply With Quote

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