Originally Posted by RoadWarrior
BZZZZT, wrong. MITs hydrogen injection system has gotten 25-33% gains, by turning approx 25% of the fuel into hydrogen. So, that's 25% less gasoline going into the motor and 25% gain, so the hydrogen is doing double the useful work that gas does. Using gasoline efficiency models to prove H2 or HHO mixes do nothing for FE is like casting paper darts out of concrete to prove they can't fly.
Thankyou, it is true i had the engine idling but it would not run on full gass, just stalled if its enough to run a small engine at idel its enough to asist a cars engine, its truly amasing the amount of power the gas has, i have launched 2L cola bottles as high as my house, when a coke can is filled with the gas and ignited is blows the sides out of the can, when its being used to suply a torch it is hot enough to cut through the can . it rely is strong stuff.
i can see where your coming from if you have not had a go because i didn't believe it at first,