I did some searches but didn't find anything on this other than the multi-brand mower run-time tests (did I miss anything?) It's probably a bit soon for me to be doing this (my driving style is still improving, plus I just swapped in a K&N air filter last tank), but what the heck.
My Cabrio has over 101.5K miles on it. During that entire time it's been run on the cheapest gas I could find. If anyone's a candidate for "efficiency-robbing gunky buildup," it's me.

So I thought I'd see what difference. if any, running a few tanks of Shell V-Power ("degunking" being its claim to fame) might make.
As far as I know my engine isn't knock-limited, so I don't expect the higher octane rating to make much if any difference in mileage (is my thinking wrong?) If there's any gunk-related improvement in gas mileage I'm guessing it will be a slow increase across several tanks... and probably buried in the noise of further driving style refinements. But I'm willing to be surprised.
I just did my first V-Power fill. Anyone have thoughts on how many tanks I should run? I'm thinking five or so, but I'm willing to stay with it longer. The only disadvantages are fewer locations to refill and significantly higher gas prices. (Today, $3.139 versus $2.719 for no-name regular.)
I plan to just keep doing what I've been doing and record normal data in my gaslog, but if there's anything special or additional anyone would like me to do, watch out for, or record, please let me know.