Tuning Part Throttle Ignition Timing
I'm working on the injection timing still and I'll get back to it once I have something to show. In the meantime, I thought I'd talk a little bit about how to actually
tune ignition timing. WOT throttle for maximum power should be tuned by a professional on a dyno. That leaves the rest of the map for street tuning. Street tuning part throttle is very time consuming and not particularly dangerous to your engine if you keep it within reason. Have a friend drive at night when no one's on the road and it will safe for you and everybody else as well. Most dynos are useless for part throttle tuning unless they're the load-holding type. Even if you have access to a load-holding dyno you should tune as much as you can beforehand to save yourself some money.
Without a dyno you can't tell how ignition timing affects power. Instead you can infer a change in power based on a change in load. If you hold the engine at a steady state and change the timing, you can log the load and see whether it goes up or down. Decreasing the load increases the power which in turn increases fuel economy because you are getting the most out of the fuel you're using. You'll be able to maintain engine speed with less throttle than before.
We want to maintain a
steady state so increase the radiator fan on temperature to force it to stay off (keep an eye on your coolant temps to prevent a disaster). Wait until the coolant reaches operating temperature which is right around 200 degrees. Open the Idle % vs Target table, highlight the whole thing, then change it to whatever you need to hold the engine at your idle target RPM. It's usually somewhere around 35%. Hit the +/- keys until you get it as close as you can.
The load parameter fluctuates too much for you to make sense of it just watching the reading. All sensors oscillate. It's just the nature of AC voltage. You have to log the change over time. In the AEM EMS, you need to open up all the parameters you want to record in the log.
AEM Pro 3.23 I start by opening the ignition template, closing the graph, unlocking the parameter window, deleting knock 1 and 2, and then re-locking. Maximize the ignition graph, highlight the area you want to tune and the surrounding cells, change them all to the same value lower than what you think it should be. In this case I'm tuning the best
idle ignition timing so I highlight the RPM closest to my target RPM (750), then the RPM columns on each side of that from no load all the way up to my idle load (between 23 and 19 kPa) and one row above that. I change them all to 10 degrees.
Now to start logging you can hit the F6 shortcut key. Wait about five seconds, increase the timing by a degree, count to five again so that it can stabilize, then repeat this process until it starts to misfire. In my case this was 31 degrees. Hit F6 to stop logging. It will ask you to save, which you can set up to use the current date followed by a number for multiple logs on the same day. Then it opens a window for you to write some notes down, like "idle ignition timing".
AEM Log opens automatically and it asks you which 3 parameters you want to plot. In this case we want RPM, Load, and Ignition Timing. You can overlay other parameters if you want but those are all we really need.
Now what comes out is a few colorful lines that make no sense. Press F6 which shortcuts to Analysis Statistics. Right click on Engine Speed over at the top right and set the minimum to the minimum RPM according to the stats, and the max to the max. Repeat this for Load and Ignition timing. Now you can make sense of the graphs.

Red is RPM between 800 and 1000, Green is Load between 23 and 19 kPa, and blue is Ignition Timing Advance starting at 10 degrees and climbing up to 31.
As you can see, engine load started around 23kPa and steadily decreased to 19kPa just before it started to misfire around 30 degrees advanced. This is very common when you're tuning timing; you'll get peak performance just before it starts to misfire.
Idle ignition timing is a little bit different than most situations though because obviously you've never heard of a Honda with a base timing of 30 degrees. We want the load to be low but not the absolute lowest possible. We want to leave some room so that we can correct the idle when it wanders too low or too high. Based on this graph I decided that 16 degrees was good. Load is just above 20kPa with the absolute lowest being only a few tenths lower. Go back to the ignition map and set the idle cells to 16 degrees or whatever is best for your engine. Use the
calculate function to blend the neighboring cells into the rest of the map.
There's still more to be gleaned from this log. Click Idle, Advanced Idle, Ign vs Idle RPM table, graph. This is your idle ignition timing correction. Basically you're trimming ignition timing when your idle is over the target, and increasing ignition timing when it falls under ie when the radiator fan turns on suddenly. Ignition timing is the best way to stabilize idle rpm because it's actually faster than the IACV and much faster than fuel corrections (which shouldn't be used at all unless you have a wild cam).
Based on the log we know that increasing timing also increases RPM until about 30 degrees where it starts to misfire. Keep in mind that this graph is relative to the timing on your ignition map. So 5 means 16 + 5, and -5 means 16 - 5. Increase the far left side of the table (less RPM than your target) to 11 degrees which will give you a total of 27; a safe distance away from the misfiring. Also you'll notice by the graph that RPM's pretty much flatline from that point on.
Now do another log. This time set up your Idle % vs Target table to idle at your target this time with your optimized idle timing. Then highlight the ignition map again and bring the timing down until the engine is about to stall. Hit F6 to log and increase the timing just as you did for the first log. This new log can be analyzed to see how RPM changes per degree change from your optimum timing. If an increase in 4 degrees raises the idle 100 RPM, you can enter 4 at the -100 RPM point on the Ign vs Idle RPM graph. Fill out the rest of the graph and smooth it out. Leave it flat with no timing change for +/- 25 degrees from the target, and enter no more than 1 degree change at +/- 50. RPM fluctuation within this range is imperceptible and there's nothing you can do about it anyway. You don't want to overly force the idle.
This is what I ended up with. I had already tuned this somewhat when I tuned the IACV duty % and other settings. That's another subject. It should be very smooth and not so aggressive that it over corrects.
Revert to your original Options
After you're finished tuning don't forget to go back and turn your radiator fan, O2 feedback, idle settings etc back to what they were at originally. The easiest way to do this is to go to File, Compare, open your old calibration. This will bring up a list of all the differences between your current calibration and your old one. Copy over all the options except for the changes you made to the ignition table and the ign vs idle RPM table.