Backround: Some claim that a VERY small amount of acetone in the gas tank will increase fuel economy.
EDIT: I removed the link after a rather nasty email from the author of the article. I emailed asking for permission to use his article on this website and his response was less than nice. There was mention of him publishing a book and he repeatedly said "NO." Needless to say, acetone as a gas mileage enhancer can be read about on various sites throughout the internet. Contact the google gods for more information.
Others argue that this claim is ridiculous, and others claim that it will destroy your engine.
I propose we run an experiment to determine if acetone will in fact increase gas mileage as described.
We have heard that the mileage benefit may NOT be noticable until after the first tank of gas. Due to this, we ask that all volunteers do not begin recording their mileage until after you have been through one tank of gas.
5 volunteers are needed. Please reply to this thread if you are interested. Guidelines to be followed are contained in thread How to properly conduct an experiment (