I did a small test tonight to see what effects P&G and B&G would have on FE.
Disclaimer: I only did each test once, and it was a small 3.8 mile round trip.
Results: B&G was actually worse than P&G, which was not expected. I think because this is a typical backroad setting, the burn and glide method was not as good as it could be due to curves and elevation changes. I would expect that on flat highway B&G would be better, but perhaps at lower speeds it is not as effective. Best glide was the best for FE, but also took the longest. This was similar to the P&G run, but acceleration was careful with the terrain instead of strictly based on accelerating when speed got to 35MPH. The brakes were only used at the halfway point where I turned around, and at the very end, but all instances were similarly light.
EDIT: Road description: This stretch of road has 2 curves which are hard to go around above 40mph. Elevation of inclines does not change more than 10-15ft, and gently rolls up and down, with only one small section which I would say is steeper. It is generally a road that speeds above 45mph would be unsafe, except for one stretch of about half a mile.
I plan to test this route often and see if I can increase the average MPG to produce new best runs.