Okay, it's the moment of truth! Finally a video-recorded test on acetone here on GasSavers. Here's the breakdown:
*YouTube Video of Experiment* - recommended viewing... just because I got a snazzy haircut!
Attachment 384Attachment 385Attachment 386
Oh yeah, and I know I spelled 'economy' wrong in the first frame. Whoops

Method of testing: A-A-B-B-C
Date: April 16th, 2007
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Weather: Sunny, 14*C, N @ 4km/h - W @ 11km/h, 24% - 23% relative humidity.
Speed: 50mph, cruise controlled
Amount of acetone added: 2 ounces added to the 3.9 gallons left in the tank.
Attachment 383
In my opinion the video on
YouTube is more dramatic

but if you must know the results *right now* here they are:
No acetone #1 - 57.2 mpg
No acetone #2 - 56.9 mpg
With acetone #1 - 58.7 mpg
With acetone #2 - 58.2 mpg
Full tank, diluted acetone - 56.8 mpg
Therefore a
2.45% FE increase with Acetone...
BUT... the mileage went right back down when I filled my tank! That's the puzzling part because I still had most of the acetone left in the tank...
The only reasons that I can think of is perhaps the 25 pounds or so of added weight when I filled, or the acetone concentration wasn't high enough... So what do YOU think of the results?