Personally, I wouldn't think it's worth it to put less than about a 3HP motor in there that can move the car at low speed.
My hybrid conversion idea, is for a huge flywheel in the spare tire well that is used as a Faraday dynamo and motor, and two Faraday dynamo/motors on the rear wheels. Braking regen is used to accelerate the flywheel, then the energy in the flywheel is tapped for acceleration. It will all only run at a couple of volts, but the amps will be huge. One issue I haven't thought out yet, is how to restrict RPM of the flywheel. Maybe something is possible with bleedover into 2V deep cycle lead acid cells, that could store startup power, i.e. whenever the car had been off for a while you'd run those flat to get the first mile or so.
I remember The RoadWarrior..To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time..the world was powered by the black fuel & the desert sprouted great cities..Gone now, swept away..two mighty warrior tribes went to war & touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing..thundering machines sputtered & stopped..Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice