Originally Posted by Nerobro
There's a thread on the SA forums that has been going for something like a year on that subject. ... I don't get it either.
Here's the quick off topic thought experiment

1. You are a plane
2. You are wearing roller blades (landing gear)
3. Your engine is a rope that is tied to a pole in front of you (pretend like it's thrust applied through the air)
4. You are standing on a conveyor belt (treadmill)
5. Start pulling yourself forward with the rope and turn the treadmill on
You will move forward

Why? Because you're applying power through the "air" - not through the ground

You will not remain stationary nor will you move backwards - remember, it's airspeed that matters, not ground speed. When I explain in these terms, almost everyone I've spoken with has that "Eureka" moment