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Old 03-27-2006, 07:10 AM   #61
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Re: Hmmmm, I was hoping for no

Originally Posted by krousdb
n0rt0npr0, great work and thanks for your effort! I am now wondering if the Speedway gas is E10. I know that the Sunoco's here say 10% ethanol on the pump. Since ethanol has about 2/3 the energy of gasoline, that might account for the 4.6% difference.
March 27, 2006

Dear Mr. Hill,

This is an acknowledgement of your E-mail. All of our fuel contains

Thank you for taking the time to write us. We are always interested in
hearing from our customers whatever the reason.

Speedway SuperAmerica LLC Customer Service
Speedway SuperAmerica's gasoline is blended with 10% ethanol.

Customer Service

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Old 03-27-2006, 12:25 PM   #62
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This looks almost identical

This looks almost identical to the email I got from them a few months ago.

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Old 03-27-2006, 06:26 PM   #63
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citgo vs shell raw data & possible results

Well zpiloto wanted to know how Citgo fuel did? And I did not have much data on Shell so I retested it back to back with Citgo

The constants in this round are:
-Eight 200ml runs (HOT runs)
-Shell VS Citgo Gasoline (Alternating!)
-Barometric Pressure was ONLY different on very last run: 7 runs with 30.17inches pressure then last run was 30.16inches
-of course fuel funnel is covered right after fill (like always)
-and restarts were around 4-6min apart

Run #1 Shell
-Length: 21:58.56 minutes OR 1318.56sec
-Temp remained exactly 48.9°F
-Humidity was 40%
-4.6mph average windspeed

Run #2 Citgo
-Length: 21:54.84 minutes OR 1314.84sec
-Temp remained exactly 48.8°F
-Humidity: 40%
-2.4mph average windspeed

Run #3 Shell
-Length: 21:54.07 minutes OR 1314.07sec
-Temp remained exactly 48.3°F
-Humidity was 40%
-2mph average windspeed

Run #4 Citgo
-Length: 21:32.16 minutes OR 1292.16sec
-Temp remained inside 47°F
-Humidity was 41%
-5.2mph average windspeed

Run #5 Shell
-Length: 21:50.44 minutes OR 1310.44sec
-Temp remained exactly 46.9°F
-Humidity was 43%
-1.8mph average windspeed

Run #6 Citgo
-Length: 21:23.81 minutes OR 1283.81sec
-Temp remained inside 45°F
-Humidity was 46.5%
-2.5mph average windspeed

Run #7 Shell <I had 30ml of shell fuel that had sat uncovered that I added to 170ml of fresh shell fuel to produce this effect, I don't know...the uncovered fuel slightly concentrated due to evaporation?>
-Length: 22:31.44 minutes OR 1350.44sec
-Temp remained inside 43°F
-Humidity was 51%
-1.7mph average windspeed I am not really counting this one...its here for matt

Run #8 Citgo
-Length: 21:36.50 minutes OR 1296.50sec
-Temp remained inside 42°F
-Humidity was 51%
-2mph average windspeed

Run #9 Shell
-Length: 22:10.25 minutes OR 1330.25sec
-Temp remained exactly 42.1°F
-Humidity was 52%
-1mph average windspeed

preliminary conclusion
Shell=1318.33 minus
Citgo=1296.83 = 21.5sec / 1296.83 * 100 =

Shell did better than Citgo by 1.66%
EDIT *3-29-06*
According to that Exxon map, Michigan does NOT have reformulated gasoline. So it was an equal test. 100% Gasoline to 100% Gasoline

Also...From Citgo's Website (Thanks Larry!)
Q: Do CITGO products contain ethanol or methanol?
A: CITGO does not use methanol in its gasoline. CITGO gasoline may contain ethanol, but primarily only in select areas where it's the oxygenate of choice to meet federal regulations for reformulated gasoline. Regulations require that if a gasoline contains ethanol, that fact must be posted clearly on the retail dispenser. If you don't see this or a similar posting, the gasoline shouldn't contain ethanol.


Q: If I am purchasing an ethanol gasoline, what is the percentage of ethanol?
A: The percentage of ethanol (if any) may vary at individual locations. An ethanol gasoline can contain up to 10 percent ethanol. If you purchase ethanol gasoline where there is an ethanol posting, the location or marketer supplying the location should be able to tell you the exact percentage.
Just offering that as food for thought.

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Old 03-28-2006, 08:09 AM   #64
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Wow that's a reversal of

Wow that's a reversal of what I found in the south. Just goes to show you the inconsistancies of taking a week or more to run through a tank and all the effects of weather during that time. Good work n0rt0npr0! I'll have to rethink the Citgo.
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Old 03-28-2006, 03:37 PM   #65
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Is there any way to compare

Is there any way to compare a few generic brands that're local versus the big ones (you've covered them I think), just to see a general difference? I imagine all generic local stuff uses roughly the same business strategy when blending the gas to make it cheaper, might not be exact, but just for idea's sake.
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Old 03-29-2006, 05:09 PM   #66
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I get my gas at GetGo, which

I get my gas at GetGo, which is owned by a supermarket chain. I average 70 cents/gal discount every time I fill because we buy groceries. Yesterday I sent a message asking about the content of the fuel. Here is the reply:

Dear Mr.. Kroushl:

Currently none of our GetGo stations carry ethanol blended gasoline. If stations do carry ethanol blended gasoline, it is a 90/10 mix (90%gasoline/10%ethanol). There is also E85, which is 15%gasoline/85%ethanol. E85 requires a vehicle specifically designed for such a mix. You will need to contact your dealership to find out if your vehicle is a FFV (Fuel Flexible Vehicle). E85 is not currently available in PA. Due to state labeling requirements pertaining to ethanol, pumps in PA must be labeled that it is blended with ethanol.

Thank you for your inquiry and your patronage. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.

Michelle L. Katrinak
Quality Assurance Manager, Corporate Brands
Giant Eagle, Inc.
101 Kappa Drive-RIDC Park
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Phone: 412-968-1522
Fax: 412-968-1701
Cell: 412-225-2294

It looks like I have not FE degradation due to ethanol.

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Old 03-29-2006, 09:20 PM   #67
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Texans Worried

I watched the local news in San Antonio this evening, and apparently they're to replace MTBE with Ethanol for their emissions blend (which I think is used in the summer-months instead of Winter). Local oil experts are concerned that the ethanol will cost more to truck-in, and that we don't have a sufficient supply to sustain the mix for the season.

Mixed feelings here:

Good: Ethanol is a renewable resource
Bad: Ethanol is less efficient per combustion
Good: Farmers help make Ethanol
Bad: Oil companies help make MTBE
Good: Ethanol emits less toxins when burnt
Bad: MTBE is a carcinogen, even after combusted
Good: MTBE is cheap and easily available
Bad: Ethanol may not be ready for nationwide release in this capacity

Who knows.

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Old 03-29-2006, 10:05 PM   #68
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yeah local news here had a

yeah local news here had a segment on the ethanol thing tonight also. Kinda different than what you are seeing...

They interviewed some guy involved with the production of ethanol and he said that he is not personally worried what-so-ever about his and all the production companys meeting the demand for the ethanol needs across the country.
They talked about the logistic cost of ethanol transportation but did not say if it was going to raise prices for sure. lol, of course it will however. Every little thing increases gas prices.

To stay on topic, I've decided to test Marathon/Hess Fuel...but am undecided on what other one to test?
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Old 03-30-2006, 02:09 AM   #69
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I read an article a few days

I read an article a few days ago that E10 will lower FE by 1.5%, which is about the difference between the winter blend (112,500 BTU/gal) and the Summer blend (114,500 BTU/gal). I am wondering now if E10 is actually the winter blend. If not, why does energy content go down?

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Old 03-30-2006, 10:30 AM   #70
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Re: I read an article a few days

Originally Posted by krousdb
I am wondering now if E10 is actually the winter blend. If not, why does energy content go down?
Many places around the Country have already replaced their cold weather blend with E10 (like in my area), so the "Crapoline" yields lesser efficiency.


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