Is HHO the way to go? - Fuelly Forums

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Old 01-08-2008, 09:02 AM   #1
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Is HHO the way to go?

I saw the add for Water 4 Gas here and decided to check it out. Well I must say I'm impressed, I have been told by so many in industry that cracking hydrogen from water takes more energy to make than the gas that is produced that I wrote off the idea of hydrogen along with the fuel cell revolution. There have been so many Nay Sayers going, the infrastructure of America cannot support broad use of hydrogen and prodution, that I thought hydrogen was just another idea that was researched, tested, and found to be a failure. Incedentially the nay sayers being large companies I'v researched in my quest for greener living. A hobby of stock research and futures on energies, broad range HHO production is said to be too expensive.

Well I was wrong, its seems as easy as a revolution of backyard mechanics putting together small jar HHO generators to double the mileage of there cars was a reality. So I have been combing the net looking for all sorts of info on HHO and the best source I found was Youtube, just enter HHO or MPG in a search and you will be treated to thousands of video's by home experimenters making HHO for pennies. Also Water 4 Gas has great schematics for building HHO generators for cheap.

HHO, Hydrogen/Oxygen is simply made by making a sandwich of stainless steel plates in a bath of baking soda and water. Use the 12 volts from your car battery to start the electrolisis process in the plates and viola, you can suppliment your gasoline with a stream of HHO.

The benefits, in a fuel injected car, the O2 sensor will read a rich condition and lean the mix, your burning less gasoline getting better mileage and it only costs you water and baking soda.

So as soon as I buy my next car ( Saturn, Civic, Escort, or Geo), I'll start building some cells and see how much HHO I can make.

Has anyone out there had any luck assembling cells and does the mileage double? From the info on Youtube, it seems the skys the limit. Oh also, if you do build a system, make sure you install back fire valves, so you don't have a Hindenburg under the hood.

Oh, MPG Research has started a column on Hydrogen, this seems to be the fuel of the future, I can't wait to hear the responce. Thank you.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:53 AM   #2
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hydrogen is a great fuel and pretty easy to harvest.... it does take energy to do that so there's no magic...

i'd sure like to see someone here take on something like this... there's a lot of wild things being claimed on the web and a lot of good things are over inflated to the point where they become incredible, but that doesn't mean that there isn't any benefit in it...

the way i see it it's kind of a hybrid system where electric energy is not converted into mechanical motion, but used to produce a potent fuel additive that can be used in the existing motor without the weight penalty of batterys and aditional motors...

i don't know much about it, but i think if someone claims this is a good idea it's worth giving it a try, if only to prove them wrong.

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Old 01-08-2008, 12:51 PM   #3
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See the bearded lady, the dog faced boy, the fire eater, only 50 cents folks, step right up. Thanks very much, friend!

A fool and his money are soon parted. There's a sucker born every minute.
She was practiced at the art of deception. Etc. Etc.
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Old 01-20-2008, 04:09 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by jadziasman View Post
See the bearded lady, the dog faced boy, the fire eater, only 50 cents folks, step right up. Thanks very much, friend!

A fool and his money are soon parted. There's a sucker born every minute.
She was practiced at the art of deception. Etc. Etc.
And this is from someone who has researched it and tried it or just someone who reads negatives into possible outcomes? I am planning to try it and no I do not understand the process or how it works but then I also do not understand how a diesel engine that is 4 cycle does not have vacuum like a gas engine. Does it work , of course. Now I will try the water thingy and see for myself perhaps you could too.
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Old 01-20-2008, 04:18 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by rangerbentman View Post
also do not understand how a diesel engine that is 4 cycle does not have vacuum like a gas engine.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:43 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jadziasman View Post
See the bearded lady, the dog faced boy, the fire eater, only 50 cents folks, step right up. Thanks very much, friend!

A fool and his money are soon parted. There's a sucker born every minute.
She was practiced at the art of deception. Etc. Etc.

yeah it ignorance like this that does absolutley nothing to develop the idea. I think anybody that naysays something like that without having tried it out extensively has an opinonin that is totaly worthless and should not even be posted, because its a waste of your own energy first af all and its just a bunch of dogmatic bull**** anyway to discoulage others from proving your dead beliefs wrong. Why don't you get some real experience under your belt before you post your lame responses, and that goes for the rest of you doubting thomases also. Skeptics are usually on the lowest rung of the intelligence ladder. They should be flipping burgers for a living at miniumum wage with a IQ that low.
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:12 PM   #7
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Having seen some of the "ideas" on the inet and other places for this my understanding is...

The H2O is split to provide hydrogen then it is burned to provide energy and recombines with the oxygen to produce water as the only emission byproduct.

Damn ; Shell , BP , Exxon Mobil , Texaco should be getting on board here.
What IS WRONG with 'em?

Sorry but the laws of physics simply mean there is a negative outcome to the energy equation : It take more energy to produce hydrogen by electrolysis then you get from burning the end product.

Ahh no wait...yes I see it's a conspiracy by the oil companies and the government ...they are probably reading this as I write it so I'll finish here.

Satanic mechanic: Yep an oldie but goldie from the Strolling Bones er I mean Rolling Sones and yes I have to agree "You can't always get what you want"

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Old 04-14-2008, 03:54 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Having seen some of the "ideas" on the inet and other places for this my understanding is...

The H2O is split to provide hydrogen then it is burned to provide energy and recombines with the oxygen to produce water as the only emission byproduct.

Damn ; Shell , BP , Exxon Mobil , Texaco should be getting on board here.
What IS WRONG with 'em?

Sorry but the laws of physics simply mean there is a negative outcome to the energy equation : It take more energy to produce hydrogen by electrolysis then you get from burning the end product.

Ahh no wait...yes I see it's a conspiracy by the oil companies and the government ...they are probably reading this as I write it so I'll finish here.

Satanic mechanic: Yep an oldie but goldie from the Strolling Bones er I mean Rolling Sones and yes I have to agree "You can't always get what you want"

Pete is called potential energy.

When you put gasoline in your car its not some inigma that it drives. "But energy is coming from nothing?!" Well obviously not, its a chemical reaction. Just like gasoline burning, an HHO generator is creating its product through a chemical reaction, and just like gasoline, in the end the water is "used." Although the production of HHO does not consume at the rate a car engine does, if you run it long enough you should run out of water.

Matter is not being created or destroyed. Energy is not spawning from nothing. The laws of physics still hold true.

In addition the fact of the matter remains that realistically a HHO Generator is just a way to convert electric power into a form that can be used by an engine. Perhaps the power lost is more efficently used by the engine. (But I don't really have any data to support that.)

Please do a bit of research prior to calling people liars, as hundreds of people, myself included, have claimed to have had successful runs of HHO.
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Old 04-14-2008, 03:06 PM   #9
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Is it possible that this forum and several others like it are run by cultists that are being influenced by extraterrestrials who are intending to keep humans from developing efficient energy systems in order to destroy the planet and make a take over that much easier? Or maybe that's the govt? Same thing?

The extraterrestrials fly in spaceships and don't use energy as we understand it...they use techniques like like "pulse and glide" to make their saucers fly around.

The cult members are trying to emulate them.
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 01-11-2008, 05:46 AM   #10
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It's actually worse than that, not only is electrolysis not super efficient, but the energy you're using for the electrolysis is created by an alternator that's not all that efficient which is driven by the explosion of your hyrdogen... etc.

You'd be lucky if your MPG only dropped by 1/4 instead of by 1/2.

The only way I'll ever be convinced that Hydrogen is truly special is if there's a cheap DIY way to build a device that can harness it and store it through solar energy and in that way just have my own at home refueling station. Until this can be done and proven cheaper than just a regular electric solar panel charging a battery, then this will remain a useless technology.

As you said in your initial post there is no good way to distribute H, there's no really good way to create it (the purely green ways are not very efficient) and in the end it's only being used as a substitute for using a battery. Espeically in a fuel cell car, they're not magical they're just using H as a medium to transport and store electricity... and you know what? Batteries are FAR more effiecient.
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