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Old 01-20-2008, 05:30 AM   #21
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thanks Eric

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Old 01-21-2008, 05:27 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by rangerbentman View Post
Sorry I was trying to get across that I am not a tech wizard and just because I do not know or understand a particular facet of life I do not throw in the towel as if the object does not exist. I will try the hho or hoh elcheapo gimmick and see if it does anything , and if it does I will post it to the positive or negative. I lose more on the stocks I own in 8 minutes than I stand to lose with this magical invention. should do some research and make it right...or be prepared for disappointment? Learn from others?

Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 01-23-2008, 08:41 AM   #23
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Making the cell

When using a jar for the cell, do you put a vent much like a water pipe, for smoking, in with a tube to the bottom? Or do you just plumb it to the intake and it will create it's own flow/pressure?
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:23 PM   #24
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Hello -

I have this one with no success to speak of, but I wasn't willing to implement the whole system :

Hydrogen Booster Installed ...

Here are some other sources to peruse, but the commercial ones seem to be out of date. If I don't see "latest news" that isn't within 2 months, then I begin to wonder what's going on :

Fossil-Fuel Stopgap May Virtually Eliminate Auto Emissions - September 20th, 2005

Hydrogen Injection Proven in Real-World Usage - November 16th, 2005

Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Ltd

I consider this little bit of history to be the "seed" of hydrogen boost systems :

Hydrogen Injection PDF ...
In 1974 John Houseman and D.J/Cerini of the Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology produced a report for the Society of Automotive Engineers entitled "On-Board Hydrogen Generator for a Partial Hydrogen Injection Internal Combustion Engine".
In 1974 F.W. Hoehn and M.W. Dowy of the Jet Propulsion Lab, prepared a report for the 9th Inter society Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, entitled "Feasibility Demonstration of a Road Vehicle Fueled with Hydrogen Enriched Gasoline." In the early eighties George Vosper P. Eng., ex-professor of Dynamics and Canadian inventor, designed and patented a device to transform internal combustion engines to run on hydrogen. He later affirms: "A small amount of hydrogen added to the air intake of a gasoline engine would enhance the flame velocity and thus permit the engine to operate with leaner air to gasoline mixture than otherwise possible. The result, far less pollution with more power and better mileage." In 1995, Wagner, Jamal and Wyszynski, at the Birmingham, of University Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing>, demonstrated the advantages of "Fractional addition of hydrogen to internal combustion engines by exhaust gas fuel reforming." The process yielded benefits in improved combustion stability and reduced nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions.
Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Product Brochure

A Hydrogen-based Alternative - Canada

Old School SW2 EPA ... New School Civic EPA :

What's your EPA MPG?
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Old 01-25-2008, 04:03 AM   #25
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teammaico I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but all we did as far as venting was drill a whole in the top and seal it. This works for 2 reason. First of all because the jar is sealed, so the HHO produced in the reaction must escape, and does so through the hole in the top (routed to the air intake). In addition the pipe that goes to the air intake is drilled into the side of a pre-existing pipe which air flows past. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the idea, but if you have a T connector, and blow air past the top it creates a natural vacum through the bottom.

Basically what I'm saying is, just drill a whole in the top of the jar, seal a connector into it, and run a hose from there to your air intake and it should work just fine. The air intake does supply a small bit of suction that will also help you out.

Good Luck!
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Old 01-25-2008, 04:32 AM   #26
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hydrogen DOES fuel the combustion process
aproximately like, 1000 watts equal 1 horsepower. It takes a lot more than 1000 watts for all the store bought systems out there to work. The gain in combustion chamber pressures never gets to the road, or your wallet because the engine needs to produce more electricity to power the generator. The only times i COULD see it possibly working is if you were running rich
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Old 01-26-2008, 01:25 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by michaelwoodcock View Post
hydrogen DOES fuel the combustion process
aproximately like, 1000 watts equal 1 horsepower. It takes a lot more than 1000 watts for all the store bought systems out there to work. The gain in combustion chamber pressures never gets to the road, or your wallet because the engine needs to produce more electricity to power the generator. The only times i COULD see it possibly working is if you were running rich
Hydrogen injection works because it increases the efficiency of combustion? Usually there is a need to retard ignit timing when it is used. Works IF the ECU doesn't enrich the mix to feed the cat that is.

"For those of you who believe the misleading 'standard line' that a gasoline engine is 25% efficient, here is a little math that is easily verified.

Given: That a standard sized car making 20 mpg traveling on a flat road at 60 mph with no wind requires about 12 horsepower.

12 horsepower is about 9 KW. 1 KW is 3,414 BTU/hr; thus the car is using 30,726 BTU/hr to maintain speed (9x3,414).

The car is using 3 gallons of gasoline per hour (60/20). Gasoline has about 19,000 BTU/lb and a US gallon has about 5.8 lbs/gal so the car is 'consuming' 330,600 BTU/hr. (5.8x19,000)x3

This is about 9% efficiency, the 'actual vehicle efficiency'. (30,726/330,600)"
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a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 01-26-2008, 01:38 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by nsgrossman View Post
We have however been working on a new more cosmetically pleasing version, which I have uploaded pictures of. As you'll notice, we didn't purchased stainless steel washers on this model and it rusted quite badly.
What would work for your outside electrode?

Along with the Dollar store pizza cutter wheels?

You might want to add a simple bubbler to avoid flashback? Could just be a jar with water in it. The gas bubbles up thru the water before going to the engine...also removes some contaminants.

Interesting pages?
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

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Old 01-26-2008, 06:45 AM   #29
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Thanks that is what I was asking. It seemed to me the venturi affect would be pulling against a dead head. I thought the creatation of the gas would generate it's own pressure thus allowing the the venturi affect to pull it out of the jar. Thanks for your reply
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Old 01-28-2008, 10:15 AM   #30
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I have gathered the parts I need for a test HHO generator. Now I think I should examine when I want the unit powered. These are my thoughts...

HHO desirable
Cruising, vacuum less than say, 18 inches.

HHO undesirable
engine off!
Idle (zero miles to gallon anyway)
brake on.

Anyone have other suggestions?

BTW, I wasted a lot of time searching for stainless strips only to find Ace Hardware has them for $.99-1.29 depending on thickness.

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