Quite by chance a friend gave me a mini humidifier that runs off 12 volts - seems to use ultrasonics and starts working immediately upon appling power from a 12 volt adapter. It is designed for car use with the cig adapter included - great - 4 devices and 1 outlet. Wouldn't it be great to use for water vapor injection? It really shows the draft in my office floor area that always feels cold on chilly days like today. Built in 3 hour timer with auto shutoff.
Only problem guys is the extreem cold and the rather long intake air path in a Scion xB including a intake scoot behind the left headlight into a big airbox for the filter then past a thermo electric air flow sensor then the throttle body connected to a tuned plastic intake manifold. I think it will end up making moist air inside the cabin while sitting in a cup holder - looks like it only holds about 1 cup of water anyway - dropped about 1/2 inch in 2 hours of operation in a 4 inch cup. Sorry guys not going to happen - besides the idea of introducing more moisture into the Synlube engine lube that will be in the engine for another 15 years is not a great idea.
Anyone know the liquid gasoline to air volume ratio? If the engine burns 1gph and consumes X cubic feet of air at that rate then saturating the air with the appropriate amount of water could be calculated.
I've read that at normal humidity, a gasoline engine will suck in just over a gallon of water in the form of natural humidity, for every gallon of gasoline used, so I would say you would want to at least dubble that.