Originally Posted by DRW
It sounds like you are changing the A/F ratio frequently. Can you change it on the fly? It would be nice to lean it out during steady cruise and gradually richen it as you need more power.
I am not changing it all that frequently but did make a few changes on the road. It can be changed on the road, but the Zeitronix software honestly sucks. It complains that it can't communicate with the controller even though it can 1.) get real-time data as shown in the graph with NO problem, and 2.) can still set the AFR even though it says that there was an error communicating right after you click the 'Set' button.
My ScanGauge is now reporting .7GPH on a lot of hills that I go down in fifth but are too shallow to coast down. This allows me to get mileages "in the 80's" going downhill in gear while giving it gas, which I did *not* get before.
Atlanta -> Woodstock today, left at 15:15, 43.7MPG with a good bit of stop and go.