Wow, you guys are completely spot on. I know my outer tie rods need replacing and its probably out of alignment. My thoughts were along the lines of it feeling like a rougher ride just after inflating some. I suspect that isn't much of a change in hindsight to have affected engine performance in the way I was suggesting.
Really I'm having problems with another area happening all together here. My car has been acting differently since I put on my new drive belts. It kinda 'shutters' and the idle RPMs will drop below that 500 mark and I hear this 'click-click-click' or 'tick-tick-tick' sound; if you will, coming from the transmission/clutch(behind the radiator/fan to the passenger side of engine bay)?
My battery was recently discovered to be low on fluid, though, and as mentioned new drive belts were installed just after topping off the fluid. Though, battery acid wasn't added, only distilled water so my mixture is probably at a low-acidity level. I had to jump start a 6 cylinder Honda van the other day, perhaps 2 weeks after I had filled my cells back up. That was only a week after the radio reset the time again. I'm trying to do longer trips and wait to use the AC until I'm well into a trip.
Perhaps the feel of the car change is to do with an electrical problem? The alternator or battery not able to keep up with energy demands when AC running or like tonight the sound was when idling in the driveway after returning home. Headlights, AC on, and in neutral w/ park brake applied. I popped the hood and got out to listen for the clicking sound's location, as the compressor kicked on/off and both fans were running/drive belts making their own 'norm' noise. I surmised it to be coming from the tranny clutch, but why would the transmission or clutch be making clicking sounds while parked?
I've checked all of my fuses under the hood and under the instrument panel, they seem good. At first I thought the 80A Battery fuse might have been blown under the hood, I guess its the only one of those kind that have a black colored wire thingy(lol its late) instead of a copper one? At least when compared to the other fuses with 30A+ in that fuse box next to the battery. I took some pictures earlier of the engine with a HD camera. I'll post them up later.
I've only had the M/T fluid changed for less than 10k miles. I learned how to shift without the clutch, as this is my first manual, but only ground the gears 2 times in that process and didn't force it afterward. I don't actually drive that way, but wanted to learn how to do this(shift without the clutch). Yes, I still use the clutch.

Could that have thrown my tranny off somehow? It has a different feel while shifting normally now. Not as smooth as before trying the 'no-clutch' thing. I don't have much experience working on a car, but I don't have any problem wrapping my mind around technical things and I'm trying to avoid going to the mechanic for that unless I have to.
The symptoms seem to occur with heavy acceleration or electrical load. So, I don't think the timing is off and I get good compression/performance overall.
I may just need to bite the bullet and get a new battery. I wanted this one to last until the winter, though.
Any thoughts? Could this just be a weak battery?