improving cold start FE [throwing around ideas] - Page 3 - Fuelly Forums

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Old 07-01-2007, 08:44 AM   #21
FE nut
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Originally Posted by rh77 View Post

Yeah, same here -- it just pulls loose, but now it's in the path of parking later-on -- can't roll in under zero-power, have to stop, etc.

For me, it's remembering to plug it in after driving in 90-degree weather, for the next morning...
I've done forgotten to unplug 3 times now. The first time, it destroyed the timer, severely cracked the plastic in the wall outlet, and mangled the prongs on the extension cord which took several minutes with needle-nose plyers to straighten out. The second time, it pulled all but the ground plug of the cord out of the timer before the EBH cord came unplugged. The 3rd, and last time,:crosses fingers: I was turning so the right front tire ran over the extension cord and unplugged the EBH rather quickly. I have developed a new strategy to help prevent this: After I plug in the EBH, I take the extension cord and lay a loop over the hood and lay it so that it rests against the windshield wiper. The extension cord is bright yellow so it should be very noticeable if I forget again.

Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, torque is how much of the wall you take with you.

2007 Prius,

Team Slow Burn
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Old 07-01-2007, 08:56 AM   #22
FE nut
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Originally Posted by theclencher View Post
Every winter I see a few vehicles "on leashes"- with extension cords trailing behind them. LOL

A guy outta do an experiment with a temp gauge to see how long a plug-in time is really necessary, at different temps. I have noted differences in starting ease with plug-in times as short as 1/2 hour, so I tend to plug in for 1/2 to 1 hour. But I don't have empirical data on temp gains.
I've been thinking about doing that type of testing. I need to find a setting that will allow me to reach operating temp in the same distance as I do now. Most EBH's are a higher wattage than mine(400W) so I may end up having to leave mine on a bit longer than most people do. I'll start trying that tomorrow morning. I'll back it off to 3 hours before I leave and see what happens.

Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, torque is how much of the wall you take with you.

2007 Prius,

Team Slow Burn
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Old 07-01-2007, 09:42 PM   #23
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landspeed: I am only going to be in Japan for another half year, and it is (as you noticed) my company's car. I actually don't pay a cent (or yen rather) for my fuel costs. In fact, I don't pay for anything on my car. 100% cost reimbursement. So, buying something like the Supermid would be a waste of money, especially since I could only use it for another half year or so. I spoke with Mitsubishi of Japan, and they confirmed that there is no OBDII port on the car.

As for the sun-warming technique, I wouldn't dare keep it open in front of my house, but the school that I teach at is very safe. We are on the top of a mountain and there are a total of like 100 people at the school. I know everyone's face and name. No one would ever mess with my car.

diamondlarry: I will be sure to use your wiper trick when I install the engine block heater on my tdi back in the states.

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