I have the one from Snowperformance.net. It uses windshield washer fluid (20%meth/80%) water approx.
On diesels it increases your mileage by 1.6mpg. The second bonus is that it will clean out your combustion chamber of all of its carbon. If you have ever seen how perfectly clean a combustion chamber is when you are replacing a blown headgasket you will understand why this is a great upgarde.
I just went to the site they now have a max mpg version for diesels.
this is from one of their .pdf files.
Also, fresh methanol ? less than 1 month old when exposed to atmosphere ? and using a greater methanol concentration ? up to 50% -will reduce combustion quench.
100% water will cool combustion and EGTs and will increase power
approx 20-30 HP.
75/25 water/methanol will reduce EGTs and power will increase
approximately 40 HP.
50/50 water/methanol will reduce EGTs and increase power
approximately 70+ HP.