Ok, so I really wanted to post this on mpgresearch.com but the admin has not replied to me in over a week and they're image verification script it broken so you can register a new name and they keep making my name 'inactive' with no explanation of how to fix that or what that even means (ARGG!).
But that aside, I've seen a few CRX posts and some grooving posts and figured I'd take suggestions. If you think this would be better in a different forum (other than experiment) let me know, I was unsure.
Anyway, I have an '87 Honda CRX and like all first gens it's a CVCC engine (if you don't know what that is look here, it's quite awesome:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CVCC http://www.1stgencivic.org/1stgenera...t_is_cvcc.htm). My question is if grooves can even help and where to put them. I worry about them actually hurting by squishing too much of the lean mixture into the spot that's supposed to be rich.
Now here's a link to pictures of my head since they're all kind of relevant and no login in required and I didn't want to spam this forum with pictures:
And here's the head:

And here's my proposal/thoughts:

Ok, 6 and 7 are fairly common and probably won't give much gains since the piston is dished anyway, should I bother?
I like the idea of the two smaller grooves, 4 and 5 but it's hard to angle them toward the spark plug hole and I'm not sure they're really necessary.
The CVCC hole is right where I'd normally like to groove, but the ignition will some from this hole, so I think 1 and 2 to propogate the flame along the cylinder wall is a very good idea, I'm just worried about it also compressing too much air into the prechamber and leaning out the mixture there.
Now, number 3, should I even bother? Should I direct it toward the small hole or toward the main chamber. I think flame/ignition will come from both holes and I can't go too deep or I'll hit the prechamber.
My first goal is to increase the compression from the stock 9.2:1 to about 10.5:1. I've seen a member on Honda swap (using the EFI Si though) that said it worked well there and I think with the CVCC it should be fine, but I'd like to groove just incase and improve flame propogation if I can.
Ideally I'd like to keep the prechamber as rich as it needs to be and be able to lean out the main charge on the fly. If my flame propogation is good it seems that extra lean (as long as it doesn't 'knock') will simply produce less power and leave more air in the exhaust, there should be no worry of it not igniting (I love this head design).
I'm not sure if it has an O2 sensor though and that might mess things up as it adjust in the carb somehow (I've had a few 80s 'electronic carb' type cars). Eventually I'd like to have it using about half the gas and igniting and getting hot very quickly and then directly injecting water and using steam explossion as my energy transfer method to the pistons (similar to Crower/6-cycle but different and very hard on a budget of $50

But that's all for the future, for now, any groove suggestions or ideas of how far is too far for high compression (I'm just planing head for now). And as a second thought, how much work (new pistons/etc) would it take to reach 13-15:1 compression and run E85?