<img src="http://old.soliton.net/old/images/tach.jpg" align="right">
Feb 28/06
3:30pm - 4:00pm
car: 1998 pontiac firefly (geo metro); 3-cyl; 1.0L; 5-speed. warmed up with approx 30-40 minutes of mixed city/suburban/exurban driving.
route: 1.8 km / 1.1 mi., slightly rolling - *maybe* 5-10 ft elevation chg over 1.8 km (didn't feel like driving out to my usual test route)
Air Temperature (ATMP): 18.0 °F / -7.8 C
Wind Direction (WDIR)...WSW ( 240 deg true )
Wind Speed (WSPD).......22 kts (40.7 km/h / 25.3 mph)
Wind Gust (GST).........25 kts (46.3 km/h / 28.8 mph)
wind note: i probably wasn't subjected to *full* wind conditions shown above; this weather station (roughly 5-10 km from the test route) is fully exposed in open water on the St Lawrence River, and the 1.8 km stretch of road i used has portions which are tree-lined, and other portions which are protected by some land elevation to windward.
test speed 65 km/h / 40.4 mph +-1
all readings taken going in the same direction (s/w).
gear...rpm.....mpg(US) ScanGauge readings (mpg = avg function)
for reference: going in the opposite direction along the same 1.8 km route at the same speed:
5......2080....66.7 (nice wind effect, eh?)
- take this as "snapshot" FYI info only. the mpg precision is NOT good due to the small sample, short course length, uni-directional (non-averaged) runs, and i didn't use cruise control.
- man i *hated* doing that 2nd gear run. my car doesn't have a factory tachometer. without that scangauge (digital tach) i would have sworn i was going to see pistons flying through the hood. aggh! the noise! but i knew ahead of time (from my service manual) that the rev limiter cuts in at 7000 rpm, so i had revs to spare.
- i just don't like revving engines like that. sheesh. the things i do for "science". (okay, i love revving engines on the race track, but i haven't done that for a few years... and never in a 3-cyl!

- i should get bonus points in the gaslog for dragging down this tank's mpg in my quest for knowledge!