yea true but the same principle is there. im guessing around 10 amps on high. but im sayign on low it may be liek 5-6 amps then increases per speed as you go up. but 700 rpm increase? thats the insane part.... it does not take 700 rpm to generate 10 amps...if the blower fan is the only thing you adjusted. i would look into how thats all controlled, seems like a major waste of gas to me
(if it did we would all have indy engines in our cars that max at 20K rpm)
now im gonna rant about cars nowadays (not directed towards you jan)
lol why does everyhting so simple have to be controlled by some circuit board? like take my chevette for an example: about as simple as you can get for a car. manual everyhting. simple swithes to do stuff etc. take a dome light, turns on when the door is open or when you hit the override button on the light dimmer. chevette has this simple circuit that goes from battery, to fuse, to door pin switch, to light, then to ground. sounds simple. now take a modern car and its controlled by a circuit board that costs oodles to replace if it goes bad. and tryign to trouble shoot that sucker? yea right...
now from the way it sounds the scions have some strange blower motor control circuit... i gotta ask why the old system involving blower fan, resistor block(just different resistive pieces of coiled wire) and a speed switch was such a problem? if the blower motor doesnt work or only works on ceertian speeds its very easy to check stuff.
same goes for wiper motors, now chevette only has mist, off, low, hi. no dely wiper(was an option tho) so we will compare it to my almost 13 year old truck. the wiper control circuit is yes you guessed it ON THE WIPER MOTOR! not like some manufactuers that liek to hide it on a circuit board controlling 6 different things hide it in the box and up under the dash so tight you have to be gumby to reach it!
i dunno maybe its just me but i liek to keep things simple. easy to fix, easy to diagnos so your not dumping oodles of money down the drain guessing what circuit board went bad, and it allows us "backyard mechanics" to accualy fix stuff at home by ourselfves.
hehe end rant....