These are some promising fuel additive mixes I want to eventually test myself.
Hoping that people with Scangauges or in car mpg readouts could try these on a test course or on regular drives to work, etc.
You test 'em...I'll use 'em!
Info is posted mostly in it's entirety as found here and there....use some common sense with these...I haven't tested any of them...but won't be afraid to when the time comes.
"In gas motor vehicles, I use 3 oz acetone, 1 oz white gas, 1/4 oz
Torco GP7, and a drop or two of Energy Release.
The best improvments are at hiway speeds and driveability."
white gas = Coleman's fuel for the most part.
For turbos:
"No I'm not selling this...but it does work.
1 quart xylene or xylol (octane boost)
6 oz Amsoil PI (cleaning, UCL)
1 oz Amsoil Gas Fuel Stabilizer
1/2 oz 100:1 2-cycle oil (UCL)
Mix in one gallon metal gas can. Pour in 1/2 full tank, and bounce car. My turbo with K-jet returns unused fuel to the tank so it mixes well.
Holy batman - full boost, not one ping.
Many of the off the shelf octane boosters contain toulene and/or xylene.
Straight, sure it's not the best thing for elastomers. That's why it's mixed
with the other stuff and the gas in the tank. Some web formulations call for a
Xylene is used for thinning some enamel type paints, but regular new style paint thinners don't contain too much xylene"
"Think I stumbled across a combo that might help your winter mileage.
3 ounces of acetone
2 1/2 ounces of Xylene
1 ounce of Ethos FR $15.95 qt ..... $15.95 / 16 = $1.00 per 10 G
(Ethos FR costs around $.62 per 10 G if bought by the gallon)
Add this to every ten gallons of gasoline and try it out. You might have to adjust the acetone to what you were getting your best gas mileage with when you were using acetone. In my case three ounces did it for me.
Just started using this and mileage went to 21.5 on my F150. The best I could get in winter without anything was 19.0. The best in summer so far with acetone alone was 21."
"Another thing that was not mentioned when I related the Colemans
info. The fellow that told me about it was using it at a ratio of 1
oz per gallon of reg. gas. (10 oz per 10 gallons)
Some background: His cavalier quit. He was forced to use the wifes
larger Olds v8 350 for the weekly commute from Ill. to Oh. He
claimed to be able to maintain simular hi-way mileage with the Olds
by using Colemans. He regrets not being able to obtain Plain White Gas any longer, even in his job."
1994 Buick Roadmaster 5.7 L 17/25
1988 Chevy Cavelier 2.0 L 4 25/32 28% gain?
1992 Chevy Cavelier 2.2 L 4 25/36 44% gain?
"I've been using acetone for over a year and it has worked extremely well but that's not all I use.
Here's my "fuel helper" recipe. The amounts are based on 10 gallons of gasoline.
3.0 oz. acetone
3.0 oz. Coleman fuel
1.0 oz. Ethos FR
0.5 oz. Torco GP-7
0.6 oz. PRI-G"
"about a month ago i noticed that i had a few litres of mineral spirit kicking around.
So i added 500mls to my 11gal tank in my 2000 civic.
500 ml = 16.9 oz per 11 gallons
when i add 500mls or more, that tank of gas gets me better gas milege <8-12mpg>...., and when i dont use it i see a drop ?
I do the same routes every week, and i am always a very conservative driver.
i have also noted that the civic starts up faster in the morning. and the engine feels more responsive."