Might want to check out the latest from LaPointe?
"The use of XYLENE (or XYLOL) revisited. Long ago I tried xylene off and on for many years without a firm conclusion. There are three types of xylene. Each structure depends on the positioning of the two methyl ions which form the meta, ortho and para isomers. The mix of all three forms is called xylol. But with careful testing recently, we found a frustrating variation in MPG when xylene is used with acetone. We came to doubt the quality of the acetone we bought and found the best place to buy pure acetone is a Sally Beauty Supply store. They are worldwide. We still use the normal 2-3 oz. acetone (technical grade) per 10 gallons but we add 2 oz. of xylene into the gasoline per 10 gallons. The final amount is the same as the acetone or 2 to 3 oz. per 10 gal. We are getting help from a Clemson University grad student testing the three forms of xylene separately. Thus far ortho looks the best. Do not use xylene in diesel fuel--not yet. Let us try it first. We know acetone works wonders in diesel at the rate of 2 oz. per 10 gallons. My 95 Neon has delivered up to 62 MPG with this slow burning fuel combination. Plus we are testing other additives such as methyl acetate and neohexane too. These additives do not all directly enter into combustion but (because of probability rules) some survive combustion to continue to break up fuel fragments halfway down the power stroke."
per 10 gallons:
2.5 oz acetone
3-4 oz xylene
.25 oz GP7
Also...the TipsBeGone acetone bottles (Walmart) with the flip tops work about the best I've found. You flip the top and can squeeze the dose in slowly. I set these in the bottom of a laundry soap bottle (cut down)...used as a tray to carry them.
I use a 32 oz 2-cycle mixing bottle to get the mix right.
I use this mix in an '87 300ZX...oldie but goodie.
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.