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Old 03-09-2011, 07:16 PM   #1
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For those who like to try something new...

I was looking around on the site and saw the "experiments" forum.
Well, I'm not doing much in the way of experimenting anymore, but I have done lots years ago.
So, if anybody wants to gleen something from my experience or care to further my experiments, here is what I've done. (keep in mind I'm going by memory hehe)

1) Built a rig to vaporize the gas and run a 300 6cyl ford off of gas fumes. 81 f-350 4spd got 19mpg normally and 41mpg using my contraption.
Consisted of a used ammo can I drilled holes in one end and bolted a holley float bowl on to regulate the fuel level to about 2". I put a heater core in it and bolted a carb from a 10hp briggs on the can to act as a "fuel flow valve".
Ran the hose from the valve to a venturi I built to suck the fumes from the can.
The main issue I had was adj the fuel volume to match the air volume of the throttle pedal. I tried running linkage but could not get it right so I used a choke cable to adj the fuel and the throttle pedal to adj the throttle (or air flow into the motor) It worked and I consistently got 38-41mpg with it but it was a pain in the butt to drive. (especially because it was a standard)
Anyway, got the idea from the 200mpg carb book I had.

2) Ran the same truck (300 6cyl gas ford) on diesel fuel. I took a cast aluminum fuel canister (off an old dozer) and tapped holes in it and mounted 4 glow plugs in the base horizontally. Used the same holley float bowl to keep about 4" of diesel in it. ran a 2" hose to a propane carb mounted on the engine. Ran 12v to the glow plugs and they lasted about 45 seconds then burnt out, but got lots of diesel fumes! Got four more junkyard glow plugs and hooked a headlight switch in series so I could use the dome light dimmer as a variable resister. Turned on the power and after 20 seconds turned down the power to 1/2 and waitied about a minute then cranked it over. Engine started after lots of cranking and ran really bad/rich. Pulled carb apart and added washers to the spring that hold the diaphram down/closed. Fired up easier and idled better. Drove it around but could only get about 2000rpm in any gear before it would feel like it was running out of fuel. Turned up power while driving and got around 3500 in 4th before glow plugs burnt out again. More glow plugs/diddled around some more, burned out the headlight switch...honey do list got longer...etc,etc never really went any further. Yes it works but didn't ever figure out a way to vapourize more fuel without turning up the power so much to burn out the plugs. Thought about adding coolant heat to the equation but kind of got onto other projects.

3) When I was dragracing I tried doing what some top fuelers were doing in the 50's during the nitro ban. I ran 25% hydrazine in the gas and it made STUPID power! Picked up almost a full second on a 11.70 3000lb car. Also tried hydrogen peroxide with basically the same results but I don't remember how much I used. A couple years later I was thinking about it though, I thought, hey if it added that much power, what if I only added 5% or so to see what it would do? So I added about a quart of hydrazine to 20 gallons of gas in a 74 LTD with a 351M. Driving easy it went from 14mpg to 19-20mpg. i did three or four back to back test and proved it and then my secret supplier of hydrazine said I couldn't get any more. It made me think that instead of burning fuel with X amount of BTU's per pound, imagine if we burned fuel with XX amount of BTU's per pound! Thinking about might of been 25% hydrogen peroxide and the amount of hydrazine I don't know...I hate getting old! LOL!

Anyway, these are a few of the things I played around with over the years. There is more than one way to skin a cat and I think when push comes to shove and oil goes to the $200 a barrel they keep fear mongering about, new things will emerge. You can run for free with waste veggie oil in a diesel...but how many actually do it? Now imagine if diesel cost $8.00 a gallon or more?
Personally I hope somebody developes something to replace gas/diesel that we can easily make here and makes us self sufficient. (Hydrogen maybe? Natural gas?)

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Old 03-09-2011, 07:20 PM   #2
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

Well duh! I forgot the most recent one. I put 3oz per 10 gallons of acetone in the fuel tank of a 92 f-150 I had and milage went from 20mpg to about 23mpg.
Also did it in a 98 windstar and went from 24mpg to 27mpg. Anything over 3 or 3 1/2 oz per 10 gallons and it KILLED the milage. Anything under 2 1/2 and it didn't seem to effect anything.
I'm running a diesel now and have been contemplating trying it in that.

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Old 03-10-2011, 04:15 AM   #3
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

Originally Posted by dieselmech View Post
Personally I hope somebody developes something to replace gas/diesel that we can easily make here and makes us self sufficient. (Hydrogen maybe? Natural gas?)
There are a bunch of other options but gas is easy. Until gas hits $5-$6 people will still buy plenty of it. A couple years ago I converted my truck to Wood-gas, it worked well and is a free fuel.

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Old 03-10-2011, 05:07 AM   #4
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

natural gas is more likely...already in semi-mass production and the US is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas in the world.
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Old 03-10-2011, 09:03 AM   #5
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

Originally Posted by dieselmech View Post
I was looking around on the site and saw the "experiments" forum.

3) When I was dragracing I tried doing what some top fuelers were doing in the 50's during the nitro ban. I ran 25% hydrazine in the gas and it made STUPID power! Picked up almost a full second on a 11.70 3000lb car. Also tried hydrogen peroxide with basically the same results but I don't remember how much I used. A couple years later I was thinking about it though, I thought, hey if it added that much power, what if I only added 5% or so to see what it would do? So I added about a quart of hydrazine to 20 gallons of gas in a 74 LTD with a 351M. Driving easy it went from 14mpg to 19-20mpg. i did three or four back to back test and proved it and then my secret supplier of hydrazine said I couldn't get any more. It made me think that instead of burning fuel with X amount of BTU's per pound, imagine if we burned fuel with XX amount of BTU's per pound! Thinking about might of been 25% hydrogen peroxide and the amount of hydrazine I don't know...I hate getting old! LOL!

Anyway, these are a few of the things I played around with over the years. There is more than one way to skin a cat and I think when push comes to shove and oil goes to the $200 a barrel they keep fear mongering about, new things will emerge. You can run for free with waste veggie oil in a diesel...but how many actually do it? Now imagine if diesel cost $8.00 a gallon or more?
Personally I hope somebody developes something to replace gas/diesel that we can easily make here and makes us self sufficient. (Hydrogen maybe? Natural gas?)
I'm very nervous reading this post. There is no mention of the hydrogen peroxide concentration, but to have any effect it would have to be much more concentrated than the "10 volume" stuff you can buy at Walmart.

As a chemist, let me emphasize that mixing concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions with gasoline will be extremely dangerous. Even if the mixture does not immediately explode, the peroxide will probably disproportionate to O2 and H2O (decompose) violently and spray you with gasoline and oxygen. DON'T MESS WITH H2O2!
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Old 03-10-2011, 05:51 PM   #6
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

You know what, I should of mentioned that. My bad. Actually a lot of guys did it in the 50's and 60's when the nitro ban was on. eventually it was banned too. Now the rules state 90% nitro only.(the other 10% being alcohol obviously)
So, yeah while it did/does work, not something to play with if your new to chemicals. Should I delete it? The stuff i was using do I say this without incriminating myself...umm...military grade. (rocket fuel component)
To mix we used a copper bowl upside down in the gas and poured the hydo on the bowl letting it slowly run down the sides into the gas. Too fast and it would smoke or get cloudy. that's when you stopped and backed up for 30 seconds or so till it cleared. Once it was mixed though it seemed pretty stable. As in, poured into a fuel tank, it sloshing and stuff in the funnel. Oh yeah, and we used ground cables on the funnel and fuel tank. Anyway, the more I think about it the less I want to "share". Another one of those stupid things you get away with when your young and foolish.
(damn it made the headers crackle like nitro though with a full load! LOL)
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Old 03-10-2011, 08:49 PM   #7
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

Originally Posted by dieselmech View Post
I put 3oz per 10 gallons of acetone in the fuel tank of a 92 f-150 I had and milage went from 20mpg to about 23mpg.
Also did it in a 98 windstar and went from 24mpg to 27mpg.
No you didn't. The more likely answer is you adjusted your driving. The whole acetone thing has been debunked repeatedly by people using far more scientific methods than you. Sorry.
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Old 03-11-2011, 03:38 AM   #8
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

Really? That's strange because I was quite particular about being as un-biased as I could and tried to be as consistent as I could.
It certainly seemed to me when I added it, it worked, and when I didn't, it didn't.

I never read any threads about it on here (except the ones when I was doing it 5 years ago or more) so maybe I should do a search?

That's funny, it never even crossed my mind as not working, I just knew it did for me, I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle after a while.
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Old 03-11-2011, 05:38 AM   #9
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

There has been no shortage of acetone experiments discussed on this site in the past few years. I don't recall ever being convinced that it worked, nor do I recall much controversy. I was never involved because I haven't experimented with or studied it (and as a result, I have not formed an opinion).
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Old 03-11-2011, 06:24 AM   #10
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Re: For those who like to try something new...

No controvery..WHAT?

THAT'S IT, I'm starting a thread about how great acetone worked...and one about doubling my milage by keeping coolant temps consistent...oh wait, that was already done. LOL!!

Anybody on here running vehicles off of gas fumes/vapors like the 200mpg carb?

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