Originally Posted by zipiloto
Sure your PCV valve is working? How many have you travel since install?
My engine is not equiped with a pcv valve, it's mearly a pcv hose from valve cover to valve body. Since install i've already hit around 1,000 miles.
Originally Posted by rh77
Ensure that the foam inner-plug has been removed, a secure seal is present on all connections (including the jar's twist top), and that the under-hood temps aren't too high. The vapor has to cool in order to condense.
The only internal pieces in the compressor air-line filter was a foam element filter which was removed, all ands of my pcv hoses are snug. There is no way my underhood temperature will in any be cool, I live in south Texas where average daily high temp. is @ around 105 degrees F...feedback

Thnx for the replys.