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Old 05-22-2008, 10:28 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
Cherry picking from your list of fillups is exactly what you did, and you did it first.
Uh, no. I was simply reporting a comparison test, which is precisely what was requested by the opening post. That's fundamentally different than claiming an overall average. The latter is what you were doing when you flatly said "my mileage is 15% higher than yours." Let us know if this elementary distinction is really over your head.

You seem to have trouble when people use the same methods you used first.
If I had made a comparison between my overall mileage, and your overall mileage, without actually knowing your overall mileage, then you would have a point. Because that's precisely what you did. What you did and what I did are fundamentally different. I reported a comparison test. You made a deceptive boast based on information you didn't actually have.

a simple experiment that verifies my statement about throttle position
There you go again, trying to change the subject. And I'm not interested in turning my engine off with the car in motion and in gear. If some else around here is eager to run your experiment for you, I'll be paying close attention to the results they report. And then you can try to explain why it's relevant.

I refuse to operate my car in such a way that is guaranteed to eliminate any chance of lean burn being utilized
That's very amusing, since you are indeed operating your car in a way that is guaranteed to eliminate any chance of lean burn being utilized. This is, if you're driving the way you've encouraged others to drive. You've said, more than once (like here: http://www.gassavers.org/showpost.ph...&postcount=27), that the best throttle setting is 70-75%. The chance of lean burn occurring at that throttle setting is this much: zero.

But you wouldn't know that, because you can't be bothered to hook up a cheap DMM to see for yourself how lean burn actually operates on your car. You'd prefer to stick with your unwarranted assumptions and preconceived notions.

you think WOT is the best way
Unlike you, I've actually attempted to test the hypothesis. You've said you won't do this, because you don't want other drivers to think you're a "nut case." That's also very humorous, for multiple reasons.

On a dyno load is applied by the dyno.
When we discussed this in the other thread (http://www.gassavers.org/showpost.ph...&postcount=60), you couldn't manage to define the word "load" without using the word "load." Let us know if you ever figured out how to do that. It would be a good start.

Even in the BSFC map you can see the fallacy of your logic.
When you can show us a BSFC map for a wideband-sensor engine, then you might be in a position to make the point you're trying to make. In the other thread you claimed to have found such a thing, even though you hadn't (http://www.gassavers.org/showpost.ph...&postcount=48). And the fact that you never acknowledged this fundamental misstatement, and are essentially repeating the same misstatement, tells us everything we need to know about your intellectual integrity.

Keep the questions to one per thread
Nice try. Fool me once, etc. Recently when I followed your suggestion to ask you a simple, direct question, you ducked and ran (http://www.gassavers.org/showpost.ph...&postcount=75). Much like your gratuitous evasions in this thread.

You also demand I create a gas log
One of the many simple distinctions beyond your grasp is the difference between a suggestion and a demand.

come back and speak in a civilized manner
You've repeatedly addressed me as "son," even though you know essentially nothing about my age and gender. (Aside from various other forms of name-calling in which you've indulged.) This puts you in a weak position to lecture others about civility. It's also a helpful insight into your regular practice of making unwarranted assumptions.

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