Hello, EvilToothpaste! Nice to hear I am not the only one left researching this project

I am actually using this idea as my course project at university (big thanks to skewbe for the idea/java realisation). The difference is that I am coding this in C++ (I really don't like java.. no reason, I just plain don't like it), currently on linux, but if everything works as planned, it will be easy to port to windows or a mac.
EvilToothpaste, seems to me that you know electronics (which I don't). Would be really nice if you drew a schematic for your diode/resistor setup

Also, since nobody answered my previous question, would you be so kind as to share your recorded sound file with me? Even better if you could also provide the information (like how much fuel you spent on that trip and what distance you covered), so I could work on my software before I hook a laptop to my car. My laptop doesn't have a line-in, and neither does my mother's. So I need to buy an external sound card, but, well, I am broke right now
Thank you in advance