Originally Posted by landspeed
I've thought of this and looked it up - you would need to make circuits to protect the laptop soundcard, especially as injector pulses can hit +50/+100v due to inductive effects when the power supply is cut off (at the end of the injector pulse).
Yah, worth mentioning, don't want people frying their line in ports.
I would think taking the signal from a pair of diodes in parallel, which are in series with a largish value resistor which leads to , oh nevermind, let me draw a picture

Were talking pennies worth of parts to limit (clamp) the voltage to .7 volts.
I've got some old assembler routines I wrote for high resolution recording in dos (windows recording always make skips), I can dredge those up, mebbe a linux port would be in order.
I think we have enough info for a laptop based mpg/mph/trip/and rpm program, once you tell it some info about your car like:
1. how many vss pulses per wheel rotation
2. how many injectors
3. how many cylinders (if it is tbi)
but dang if a laptop isn't a lot of luggage for an mpg gauge