I'm going to be optimistic and put this in the DIY section
Scenario: You have natural gas pumped to your house, or an abundance of electricity from your ingenious solar panels/windmills/spare nerve endings for electrolysis, or you have methane from your local landfill/pig farm, whatever. You want to get off of oil specifically and be able to go 50 miles round trip most every day on gaseous fuels.
Approach: For fuel injected cars (my favorite kind), you have a lot of what you need in place already. What is needed is basically a tank, a regulator, and a circuit to intercept the fuel injector signal and control a valve based on the duty cycle being sent to the now disconnected inector. This valve will control the flow of the gaseous fuel into the manifold near the throttle body.
Some assumptions:
1. The standard o2 sensor won't care, if there is extra oxygen then it is lean.
2. Let us say the car gets 50mpg. So we need 124000 Btu of fuel.
3. Want it to be low pressure, just enough so the tank isn't huge but a lot of energy isn't wasted packing the fuel in there each night.
4. easy to use
5. switchable between gas and gas
6. fuel maps in the pcm will magically work out to be ok once the system is calibrated (fingers crossed on this one)
7. This is going to take awhile to get to a working model.