Originally Posted by red91sit
The air dam extension might not be such a good idea though, I would rather see you add an underbody that slopes down to the lowest points of the undercarriage. 
are there any arguments directly against the airdam extention? i would like to make such a modification as you mention, but it would present a lot of practical obstacles. i might eventually consider something more radical but while i contemplate if and what i can add, if a simple strip could reduce drag in the area even slightly it would be better than nothing.... unless of course it would somehow have a negative influence i'm overlooking?
back to the topic of lisence plate fairings here's some images of what i'm working on: last night i made a carboard mock up of how the plate should bend...
most likely i'll make it out of some thin metal plate that will be bended into the right shape and painted.
what it should become:
the plan:
mock up of the shape for the corners of the bended plate:
the next step will be to match the shape to the car and if everything aligns i'll build a template. and hopefully soon something i can test in practice.