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Old 04-21-2007, 10:58 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by zpiloto View Post
If you can't do the all the testing in the same day it probably not going to be very good. That protocole will take most of the day and the weather conditions could change quite a bit from begining to end with temperature and winds.
I agree about the same day thing, I was actually budgeting about 3-4 hours for the whole test (11 5.2mile runs, 67.2 miles, with four stops to add acetone and then a short break after each 2.6 miles segment to record data) and as far as wind and temp I would definitely try to do this on a day with fairly consistent weather, and in the afternoon, where the temperature is relatively stable at the top of the daily curve. (also the run is surrounded by temperature stabilizing ponds and trees, and a wind reducing cliff and again the trees)

Originally Posted by zpiloto View Post
I think that would need to drive a little after adding the acetone to make sure it's mixed.
A little extra pre-segment driving after adding any acetone seems like a good idea, but how much do you think is necessary? (Peakster's test seemed to indicate that very little time was needed)

Originally Posted by zpiloto View Post
Then there the problem of the ECU taking time to readjust for the acetone.
Yeah, that really complicates things as far as trying prove that acetone does make an change. If the test does initially show improvement in FE, then the final ECU adjustment should just show even better FE, right? (And then merit further long term testing?)

Originally Posted by zpiloto View Post
You could just have 2 containers of gas. One clean and one with acetone. Then run the car out of gas fill 2-3 gallons run the experiment run it out of gas and then add 5 gallons pure gas. Hard on the fuel pump though.
Yeah, but I thought the unknown amount of fuel in the tank, even after "running out", would pose a problem by being a relatively much larger amount in relation to the acetone/fuel being added and unpredictably skew the concentration.

As for the the fuel pump comment... how hard? Like don't do it?
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Old 04-21-2007, 11:10 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Yeah, that really complicates things as far as trying prove that acetone does make an change. If the test does initially show improvement in FE, then the final ECU adjustment should just show even better FE, right? (And then merit further long term testing?)
You'd need something better than the scan gauge... Pretty much a laptop connection so you can see short term and long term fuel trim. If the ECU adjusts for long term (which takes a bit of time) - that would be an positive indicator...

I wonder if resetting the ECU before each test would compensate for that...
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Old 04-21-2007, 11:21 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by trebuchet03 View Post
You'd need something better than the scan gauge... Pretty much a laptop connection so you can see short term and long term fuel trim. If the ECU adjusts for long term (which takes a bit of time) - that would be an positive indicator...

I wonder if resetting the ECU before each test would compensate for that...
I've reset the ECU all the time and it can take serval cycles before it smooths out. This is just one of those factors that makes it interesting.

I don't think running it out of gas a half dozen times is going to kill your fuel pump but maybe someone with more experience will chime in.

In reality just run your test. The folks that have had success with this stuff say they get huge gains in the range of 5-10%. Any less than that and it's probably just noise.

Then if you do have success you need to try blind testing. I did that with several tanks on unkowning cars. To see the effect it had with folks that don't know it in there.
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