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Old 04-30-2008, 09:47 AM   #91
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Tried spreading the good news about Acetone to my friends and got shot down with and reports this is all bogus. I HATE when I get emailed saying "Dave, that's a urban legand" . I don't see how 3oz in 10 Gallons could hurt anything. I will evaluate this and just report back here I guess.

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Old 04-30-2008, 09:58 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by fallbrookdave View Post
Tried spreading the good news about Acetone to my friends and got shot down with and reports this is all bogus. I HATE when I get emailed saying "Dave, that's a urban legand" . I don't see how 3oz in 10 Gallons could hurt anything. I will evaluate this and just report back here I guess.
I think the consensus is that acetone in gas doesn't result in much *measurable* FE improvement.

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Old 05-01-2008, 01:13 PM   #93
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I should see if I can bring my car in our lab for a day on the weekend and run some economy and power tests. I'll use the same method we use for testing our Pulstar plugs only the change would be what's in the fuel(maybe, I've been wanting to run a plug comparison against the Platinum +2s I used to run, but that's mostly for power and part throttle tests, couldn't hurt to get some fuel economy figures too).

I can easily do a normal power run and fuel economy test, add 1oz per 10 gallons and stir the tank, do another power and fuel economy test and continue few more times until I get to 5oz per 10 gallons. It'd be all in the same day and strapped to the dyno the whole time as per normal testing. Our fuel meters also read as little as 1/43,000ths of a gallon so it should be pretty accurate...
- Kyle
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Old 05-01-2008, 03:00 PM   #94
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please keep us informed! start a new thread if you're able to do it.
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Old 05-01-2008, 06:12 PM   #95
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I got it approved, just gotta make sure i'm not there alone when i'm doing it.

Makes sense, if i get caught in a roller or something and nobody is there that would suck lol

Where do I get the acetone?
- Kyle
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Old 05-02-2008, 03:46 PM   #96
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Why xylene?
- Kyle
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Old 05-03-2008, 04:22 PM   #97
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Marty...I had to pay $97 for those exact plans you just published for all to see from the folks and Ozzie Freedom and crew.

While I understand this is a free flow information site, you could have just posted the page regarding his formula for acetone, xylene and Torco GP-7 instead of the whole book. Or you could have posted it before I forked over the $97 a couple of weeks ago.

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Old 05-05-2008, 05:04 AM   #98
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I paid for the water4gas info and it is true that most of it can be found for free on the web...but the details of making the HHO gens and modding sensors is probably worth it....because you actually have to do stuff instead of just reading and talking about it.

Info for diesels and gas.

IMO some of his stuff is off and inaccurate...but that's just my opinion.

The original source as far as acetone?
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 05-06-2008, 10:23 AM   #99
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I have been using acetone in 2 of my vehicles for over a year now

I will say this 1st both trucks (a 1992 Dodge Dakota 318V8 and a 1989 Chevy S-10 2.5L I4) both fuel pumps went bad after approx 3-10 tanks, well the Dodge the motor stopped working, the Chevy the rubber hose between the pump and the plumbing burst...I would equate and almost guarantee both occurrences were due to NOT changing my fuel filter and the acetone emulsifying all the poo in the tank to which it partially clogged up the filter and caused excessive back pressure in the lines, the Dodge pump just quit because it a) was the original from 1992, b) was pumping harder to push the fuel thru the lines, the Chevy blew the rubber hose and stopped pushing fuel in the line.

If you do choose to experiment with acetone...PLEASE change your fuel filter after 2 or 3 tanks or it could cause costly repairs! I will say this..after approx 10 tanks of acetone in the Chevy S-10 the tank inside was water, no floating poo, NOTHING but clean golden gasoline!

Currently at this time there may be up to 12 different "types" of gasoline on the market driven by region and requirements due to the 1990's Clean Air Act Amendments [] The fuel mixtures are HEAVILY regulated and their chemical makeup is demanded to be precise...thus one company couldn't just slap a 2oz per 10 gallon acetone mixture and go see see ours is better than theirs without getting a HUGE fine slapped on they don' it would cut into their profits as acetone would be another mixture and it would cost them more to make

Acetone is a surfactant, it allows the mist of fuel particles to vaporize more readily, thus instead of fine droplet it can be more of a pure gaseous vapor which is the perfect fuel (hydrogen, propane), pre-heating your fuel also helps vaporization as well..acetone would improve that as well

I notice that my current truck (Chevy S-10) idles more smoothly, has more power, and I get approx 10-15% better gas mileage out of it, but its a truck and the wind resistance is HORRIBLE compared to my old Nissan Sentra that I put acetone in and got a very easy 40ish MPG.

I know that acetone DOES work..but be prepared to change your fuel filter because acetone will clean the tank and the only place it can go is into the filter, be prepared to change your filter ever 10-15 tanks like clockwork otherwise you will get a clogged filter and a damaged/destroyed fuel pump

I put 2oz (approx 1/4 cup) of acetone in my S-10 tank when it hits the 1/4 tank line (it reads off so 1/4 tank is actually 1/8 tank) and I usually put almost EXACTLY 10 gallons in...I will start keeping my fuel history up so you can see the results

Oh the biggest improvement in my vehicles were when I checked the tire pressure religiously..I put EXACTLY 35psi cold, I also found a great additive/runflat product that seems to seal the tires and allows the tire to hold air longer, its called Ride-On and instead of having to put 1-2 psi a week I can go up to a month before it needs it

Improper tire inflation is the FASTEST killer of fuel economy...PERIOD!

Acetone works!
Have you looked thru the tips?
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:07 PM   #100
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Thumbs down

Ok in my Junk Grand Cherokee V8 I was getting 16.8 on average with a couple tanks of acetone laced gas. After a staight tank of fresh gas it went back up to 18.7 mpg. Runs smoother too. So Acetone DOES NOT work in my vehicle type. Maybe it's good for you, but not me.

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