Woo! Best tank yet! 29.7 mpg!
I'm so happy! Though it's not really that big a thing, as it was primarily highway driving. (700+miles of it) Well, technically it wasn't a single tank, but I'm counting the 2 tanks merged for the sake of accuracy, because I used a different pump that was on level ground rather than the slight slope that I usually have.
First tank was 36 mpg, second tank was 19 mpg (Where I filled up at my normal spot.) But the total of those 2 tanks was 29.7 MPG! WOO!
I'm so happy.
Would have been a hell of a lot better if I hadn't been stuck in 1st for a half an hour in Pittsburgh. Stop and go traffic, so no chance of turning my engine off. A half hour of 2 mpg! GAH!
But still, I got quite nearly a 30 mpg tank! I'm so happy!