Originally Posted by jbum
sometimes I wish there was a premium tax put for big gas guzzlers so that the rest of us do not have to suffer from other people's thirst for gas and the ensuing rise in gas prices.
i was in texas this past weekend for work and i was so shocked by all the big car rolling around. trucks, SUVs, 8cylinder beasts... while i see a ton of civics in california, i barely managed to see ten during my whole trip.
the worst part is that tiny little women often drive a gigantic truck or suv all by themselves. the auto industry has done a great job at marketing them to people... i have to give them that. i for one am not that gullible but the majority of the people in our society is.
Actually there is a $25,000
tax write-off for companies that buy larger size SUVs !
The larger the weight of the vehicle, the more they can write of on their taxes.
I seem to remember upwards of $50,000 or more.
How's that for backwards laws !
Also, they can claim this each year that they own the vehicle.
Welcome to Texas where every third car is a truck... a BIG truck !
( I too have noticed that the majority of Hummer H2 drivers are small women with kids. Sold on safety. If you'll notice, one of the colors for Hummers is even school bus yellow ... not that it means anything.
Also I can't blame these women for wanting to protect their kids. I'd do the same if I were them.)
I just have to shake my head at the wastefullness of it all though.
A lot of people get angry at Hummer drivers for their bad gas mileage, not taking into consideration that here in Texas, Dodge 'doullie ' pickups are more common than weeds and get even less gas mileage than Hummers do !
Ask a little lady why she needs one and you'll almost always hears something like " So I can pull my horse trailer or a boat. " O.K. that's fine ... but why do they have to drive it down the street just to go get a milkshake ?
Image. Image is everything. People don't want to be seen in a small car because it makes them appear weak. It's the smallest people that drive the biggest trucks.
I might add that there
is a gas guzzler tax, but I think it only applies to
cars that cost a certain amount ( Like a Ferrari )