Originally Posted by SD26
What an interesting post. The Honda MDX isn't a car that I like personally, but people buy it. It's a Honda, designed and developed in the US, assembled in Canada, so people buy it for the backing that they feel is Honda engineering in addition to fitting their budget, needs, and wants. Even Honda recognizes what's necessary in the market place to sell vehicles that continue to generate profits and keep the company moving forward and employing the good people they have. Doesn't every business want to be successful?
Honda actually has been building cars in the US by US workers since 1982. Might want to find out where your Civic was actually made.
It's just about hysterical how you talk about the Wrangler and the Miata. Maybe the same reason why your parents decided to get the MDX. Make your decision to buy your car for yourself carefully.
Yeah, I know that the MDX is an American one. I guess its stillb rand name afflicting us - I mean, I know the quality/reliability of American cars are getting better, but for me (maybe them as well), I'd prefer to drive Honda. My parents initially bought the MDX as something for long trips (my family (brother, parents and aunt) take 6 hour trips to Michigan once a year...) so we would be comfortable in it. And yes, I know that since the market wants it, they wiill make it...such is part of the case for Honda getting rid of the insight.
But...yeah. I just wouldn't like a wrangler (too big for me), and while I know the miata is not a very FE car (~30 or so mpg?) it's something I wouldn't mind driving. I mean, right now, I'm having a frustrating time getting my civic over 35 mpg (joys of winter) and fighting with the automatic transmission, as I just can't get it to shift sooner sometimes (usually into 4th gear at 35-40, unless uphill...then it will barely ever do it until it levels out or I'm going 50 and take my foot off the pedal).
I guess you mistook my notion of 'American' cars - I usually mean cars produced by the American companies. I wouldn't say stuff like Lexus and Acura count, as they're still essentially parts of the Japanese companies...my opinion I guess.
And my Civic is Canadian.