(VX/HX) 5-wire O2 Sensor Rcal values?
With all of the issues and/or expense involved in finding a replacement L1H1 or L2H2 O2 sensor, I'm tyring to figure out a circuit that would allow the use of a Bosch LSU 4.2 O2 sensor (which is cheap and abundant) while providing a P07 ECU with an interface consistent with the signals that would come out of and go to a L1H1/L2H2.
One of the issues in getting this to work is figuring out how Rcal is used (Rcal is the calibration resistor packaged in the connector; it tells the ECU a correction factor to use particular to that specific O2 sensor). I haven't gotten around to it yet, but am hoping that I can reverse engineer the basic circuit it's in by opening up my ECU.
Even with the ECU open and traced out, one thing that I don't have is even one L1H1/L2H2 O2 sensor to examine (it was pulled off of my scavanged D15Z1), so I don't have any idea what sort of values Rcal could even have (FWIW, I'll pay shipping to anyone willing to send me their trash L1H1 or L2H2).
Has anybody measured theirs? It is wired directly to pins 3 and 4 of the 8-pin connector's sensor side; on a VX, the harness side should have a white wire going to pin 4 and a grn/wht wire going to pin 3. Just placing the probes of an Ohmmeter to these two of the sensor's pins (while the plug is disconnected!) will directly read Rcal's value.
With so many questionable and arguably counterfeit L1H1/L2H2 sensors on the secondary market, it is also going to be necessary to catagorize Rcal values by source (which might produce the info that reveals just how they're being counterfeited).
So I'm asking for two things from those kind enough to contribute:
1) What is the value of your L1H1/L2H2's Rcal?
2) What is the source of your O2 sensor (e.g., unknown, Honda, Bosch, Quality Parts on eBay, evalero on eBay, etc.)?