Ive been watching this thread from the start.
My turn.
If you have a old oil burner. Thicker oil my well help with FE. Vavle guide seals and piston rings might seal a bit better. Not to mention a better oil film for the crank, rod and cam bearings thus reducing some enegry loss from ocilation from rotating parts in a babit style bearing.
If you have a engine thats in good shape and not a oil burner. (By a oil burner I mean a mosquite killer.) Using thicker oil than what it was broken in on and has ran on could hurt mpg. And could also set you up for a major failure. I know afew of the members here have ripped open afew engines in there day. In my days of engine repairs and rebuilds. I often found the oil pressure by pass part blocked or hung open or close. With a blockage or crud holding it shut the thicker oil will ruin bearings due to the increased oil pressure when rev's come up. This can also draw oil passage ways and so on.
Basicly oil weight can be the enemy if your engines tolrances dont go with the oil. Lets say you build a 327 chevy. You want it to rap up. Have the cam, carbs that dump gas like a garden hose. How do you handel the lube system. If you go with a tight 30W build. Dont put 50W in it. Or you go with a high flow/psi oil pump. If your going high psi/flow you have nore than likely had your cyclender bores setup a bit on the loose side and running rods, mains and cam bearing tad looser. You have the weight of the oil and the flow to handel the shock and such with the 50w. Put 30W in that engine and its as good as shelled.
As for Synlube. From what i can tell this stuff is alot like some turbine oil I got years ago. It was a full syn that cost about $50 a qt. I got it heap cheap because the container spec. didnt meet some end users spec. This lube was white of all colors. There wasnt a petro part in it. It was a 20W lube. It was no change sort of stuff. I never bought into it and ended up reseliing what I had bought for a handsome profit.
I for one run M1 5-w20 with M1 or PureOne oil filters in our Civic and Accord. Change it every 7.5k to 10k miles. Call it good and move on.