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Old 08-20-2008, 09:24 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Greyg View Post
That means I can't type. 50 - 60 fillups
LOL... I don't why it didn't occur to me that it was just a typo and to figure what it might be.



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Old 08-22-2008, 11:22 AM   #72
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First run was inconclusive. The Hydrogen generator blew a fuse and he didn't have time to stop and change it. I didn't have a lot of time to talk to him, he's fairly busy today. People sometimes like to stop in without appointments on the Friday before they leave town for the weekend to have their car fixed for the big trip, then they can't believe when we can't just "fit them in" because we have people with appointments to take care of. I'll talk to him more when he's not quite so busy with "emergencies".


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Old 08-22-2008, 11:48 AM   #73
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I had a few minutes and bugged him again. He said he had too much catalyst (vinegar) and needed a weaker mixture in the hyrdrogen generator. He didn't replace the fuse because it would have just burned out another one because he had to drain the current mixture and replace it with a weaker mixture. I give more updates as they become available.

On a side note, how do I get another vehicle in my "garage"? I've been looking to find whatever to click on to add another car and I think I'm going blind. I figure it has to be something fairly obvious and I'm just missing it. I wanted to get my 07 T&C in before my wife and I take our big trip out east for a week.

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Old 08-22-2008, 12:09 PM   #74
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Go to garage, then at the top left, click on "Add Garage Entry". It's right up there just under and to the left of "Garage".
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Old 08-22-2008, 12:18 PM   #75
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I thought it would be something obvious like that. Thanks.

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Old 08-23-2008, 10:57 AM   #76
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1999 Ford E-250 van 5.4L with just under 100,000 miles.The use of scan guage and same highway route taken back to back.Same driving habits and techniques used on all runs.(this vehicle has no other modifications other than what is specified)

Without HHO or MAF enhancer:
30.3 miles
56mph max/46mph average
1.62 gallons
18.7mpg(epa rated at 18mpg highway new)

With 4 smacks boosters wired in series to 2 deep cycle batteries producing roughly 3LPM and MAF enhancer slightly leaned 2 notches back from factory setting:
30.5 miles
55mph max/47mph average
1.37 gallons

I have also completed a third run with only the MAF enhancer on and recieved the same results as the 2nd run

I am going to verify or debunk this crap once and for all.I have the time and money to do so and am not biased in either direction.
As of my testings so far I am almost certain my gains have come from a leaner ratio.
I know that adjusting the MAF sensor leans out the motor because there is a noticable power difference and if I lean to far it bogs and stalls out.Scanguage also brought up a lean bank code.So dont tell me that I need an EFIE or o2 extenders to fool the puter into letting me lean it.I still dont understand why it needs to be leaned out to use HHO.The extra ammount of oxygen produced is so minimal to the amount the intake consumes that it is a ridiculous theory.Now some say that a more efficient burn is created which burns the gasoline faster and more complete which in turn requires less fuel.Still...why lean out when the same ammount or more oxygen should be required to complete the burning efficiently.
You need a PWM to keep amps down,you need a MAP/MAF sensor,you need o2 extenders or EFIE...if all this fails then your testing is incomplete with too many variables or all cars are different,lol.
My main reasons for wanting HHO on demand to be sucessfull is to **** over the big oil mafia which certain leaders of our government are in bed with.Less fuel consumption/cost is just a bonus for me if I can get this to work.
I just have a feeling that there are going to be alot of people out there praising HHO for better MPG then ending up with holes in there pistons and burnt valves from running too lean.
Hell,monitoring the scanguage to improve driving habits alone will increase mpg and I highly recommend this device.
I am open for suggestions and have not given up yet.
Make me a believer!

All of the above has been copied and pasted from another website forum from which I am a member.All the above testing was completed by me.I believe that basic,low output electrolysis boosters in no way improve MPG gains.Now maybe 15LPM on a small displacement engine might show minor gains,but thats just my opinion.

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