Pardon my abrupt intro to Gassavers.
I've interviewed in the past and would like to share some notes....
- Getting interviewed is good to promote hypermiling
- Might want to Google "hypermiler", "hypermiling" with the News option and review past articles.
- Articles that have forums with readers comments such as
www.msnbc.com have lots of people flaming.
Note they blow a couple of things totally out of proportion: close drafting and being an obstruction while driving. We are a small group to start out with, and only a minority of us do these two things. The site I'm from publically has gone against close drafting. I stress the majority of hypermilers don't get in the way or pretend they are towed by 18-wheelers.
- We live in a legal world and after the reporter is done with the article, people in the legal department will add the "don't try this at home" stuff.
Hope that was helpful