Over the past few days I noticed a slight jiggle in my steering wheel but it was nothing major I just figured my wheels needed balanced but it has been getting progressively worse. Today It was really bad on the way to work. I looked at my wheel in the parking lot and my wheel was bulging in one spot. That really freaked me out so I let out tons of air in the wheel. I had to call my dad to put the spare on because I took the spare out last week to lose some weight on the car. Of course right when you do that you need to use it
I was running 55psi in wheels with a max of 40 psi. Thankfully I didn't have a blowout. I will put a picture up tomorrow.
2008 EPA adjusted:

Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)