Throw away that front license plate
One of the most usless pieces of equiptment only for lazy parking officers who are too tired to walk to the back of the car to write down the plate. Also when was the last time a cop drove in front of you to check your registration. It's not like you need a spare, in most states if you loose one, they give you two back. Never before since the flat Model T winshield has something so unaerodynamic been required by law. Once in San Francisco, I was writen a ticket in my Fiat for no front plate, when it was mounted on the front of the car anyways, it's a $100 fine too!
Now I'm suprised we haven't gone the way of England, a sticker over the nose of the car. A front license plate is silly, blocks air flow, disturbs aerodynamics, and has been an overall gaudy addition, who's time is up. Maybe the new president will lift the laws on front plates, for a few MPG. Besides the saving of manufacture, spending 50% less producing one plate, rather than two and still charging the same registration.
Now as far as photo intersections, TOO BAD!!! Cities should find some other means of revenue. It creates an enemy out of the people and anexiety to people who either slam on thier brakes or floor it going through every intersection. Not to mention, it is unethical and not legal. Two things, Lack of Show of Force. If a cop was at that intersection, you would slow down. Second, Lack of Due Process, your never pulled over and sign a ticket, and some times you don't know you got photographed. If cities were truely trying to save lives, they would extend the dead time from 3 seconds between light changes to 5 seconds. This would make no profit and save lives.
In Baltimore a group sued the city for lights that are unsynchronized and have a cycle rate of 1 minute 45 seconds. They sued for a cycle of 45 seconds and 5 seconds of dead time and won. The cities responce, they don't have the man power to reset all those lights, nothing was ever reset.
So the argument for tearing off that front plate stands, let your car breathe.