Originally Posted by bobc455
If you are truly in a position where money is not your motivation whatsoever, it can help you properly develop (from a technical and marketing perspective) your invention/discovery.
Make no doubt, I will enjoy money.
It must be moved from one stream in the economic structure to another stream to get that done.
That is the way things work.
How many hours...blood sweat and tears have people invested in the existing operating parameters after buying the vehicles? for decades?
Many improvements have been made...but never mainstreamed.
Ergo my freedom ofchoices have been taken away from me.
Always in the control of the huge corporations.
The same, or less, efforts put forth by the tinkerers/backyard scientists/etc etc etc ...will only speed up the transition get to mainstream.
I was given 6 months to live, by 6 competent doctors, and until "an accidental intervention" they were correct.
I know how to reverse carpal tunnel syndrome...no surgery...medical fact... documented by a surgeon of 25 years standing...medical history.
I defined the reverse points of 10 previously thought "irreversible medical conditions"...so far they are reversible.
The information did not exist for them to use until that moment in time.
I have defied odds that would make the bookies in Las Vegas cringe !!
That was 3 years ago...
this system is to be my legacy.
It was designed when I was convinced I did not have many tommorrows...I do not know if I will have many tommorrows?
a peculiar mindset; of loss of fears; normally people would cater to those fears.
After what I have been through...survived...time has a different set of values for me...not based on the monetary exchange system.
Am I a wealthy man? No.
Will I be a wealthy man...hope to be.
I used up most of my wealth to stay alive...got to look at my money and knew it was useless for me at the time...
I had excellent medical insurance at the time of my sufferage.
When this technology gets into mainstream...it will extend the known fossil fuel reserves by some 3000 years...maybe more....tommorrows for my decendants.
Please appreciate, when I give of my time, it is a very generous thing.