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Old 03-25-2010, 04:59 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Erik View Post
Many of us would like to see you put your vehicle(s) in the garage and post a gas log.

To add your vehicle to the garage, click on the "garage" tab on the upper left and then click "add garage entry".

Those who have modified their vehicles can easily show others what modifications worked and what mods didn't.
That is not going to happen.
I have posted for MY own this time.

Think of these repeats of what I had already posted...somewhere on the internet.
When a NASA scientist chooses to print a retraction saying it did work...just not sure why...voluntarily.
When electronic gurus voluntarily print retractions as to what they first stated... it could not work...
These are a couple of the people who examined "The Hull Effect" on their own dime and time.
Now you know where to look.

Best to you,

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Old 03-25-2010, 05:41 PM   #22
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Is it just me or does this seem to be some riddle I have to solve?

I hope to have some time to look into what you are hinting/posting and read the information further, but that will have to be another day.

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Old 03-25-2010, 06:36 PM   #23
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Two of the best patent attorneys, have you tested all of them!!!!!!!!

25 mil is chump change .

Yet you waste your time coming here to post about your amazing development that quintuples the efficiency of a carbed V8 in a pickup truck.

Since that takes the reciprocating engine to 98% efficiency regardless of the fact that it looses 40% to friction and pumping losses that have nothing to do with fuel delivery, and it does not work unless it has a carburetor.

I wonder why? Not really necessary to spend any more of your $100,000 per hour time explaining it.

Yep, calling me skeptical is the mother of all understatements.

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Old 03-25-2010, 06:52 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
Two of the best patent attorneys, have you tested all of them!!!!!!!!

25 mil is chump change .

Yet you waste your time coming here to post about your amazing development that quintuples the efficiency of a carbed V8 in a pickup truck.

Since that takes the reciprocating engine to 98% efficiency regardless of the fact that it looses 40% to friction and pumping losses that have nothing to do with fuel delivery, and it does not work unless it has a carburetor.

I wonder why? Not really necessary to spend any more of your $100,000 per hour time explaining it.

Yep, calling me skeptical is the mother of all understatements.

yea, couldnt give me a straight answer on either it was dyno'ed or real world...just told me to look. hell no i aint lookin cuz it aint there. its a pickup truck, no matter what u do to the engine the gearing is still for a truck...(also convenient the test subject is one of the most common vehicles out there)
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:57 PM   #25
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I'm trying figure out how this works also? It makes me feel totally lost

Hows it reduce pumping losses?

Hows it convert more fuel energy into mechanical energy?

I can somewhat see that if the whole engine is magnetized it could help with friction losses etc.

I just wish there were more details on whats going on?

It might just be above and beyond me.


Fuel consumption for moving a 12,500 pound less than 48 ounces per matter what the terrain...or altitutde.
This is amazing if your traveling around say 55mph?

Some of my measure testing if my math is correct shows that I use around 94 ounces per hour or 1.56 ounces a minute. When you look at 1.56 ounces in a container you see that fuel has some serious power in it and to pull anymore out of it is just staggering.
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Old 03-25-2010, 10:31 PM   #26
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Waste of time?

Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
Two of the best patent attorneys, have you tested all of them!!!!!!!!

25 mil is chump change .

Yet you waste your time coming here to post about your amazing development that quintuples the efficiency of a carbed V8 in a pickup truck.

Since that takes the reciprocating engine to 98% efficiency regardless of the fact that it looses 40% to friction and pumping losses that have nothing to do with fuel delivery, and it does not work unless it has a carburetor.

I wonder why? Not really necessary to spend any more of your $100,000 per hour time explaining it.

Yep, calling me skeptical is the mother of all understatements.

Exactly as I expected.
Well stated...very sane.
Why would I post this?
I do not want it lost or hid so many other efficient systems.
I want it to stir the "tinkerers of the world" curiosity.

Some engines normally operate at 100 F or cooler at the radiator.
I have operated my engines at 70 F in ambient temps of 103 F and 25% humidity.

If by chance...just one of the "fuel efficient gurus" tests/adds my system with the 60-90 mpg vehicles already built?

As to the have to be invited/referred by someone powerful on Capital Hill... Washington, DC... just to get in the matter how much money you may have.

Like Bob Lasar...out of area 51...the more people know I exist, the safer it is for me.
You google him...he has a super-collider in his back make his own fuel blends.
He and I were in Las Vegas, the same time.
George the reporter that broke his story...when the government tried to erase his idenity.
TractorByNet....75,000 + members has a few of my posts.
This is not the only forum I have posted in....just for this reason.
A member of my forum has been doing some checking...some of the links on the internet to me are disappearing...ever since I went to Capitol Hill for 3 days and nights.
Who knows why? I don't.

I thank everyone who took the time to read my posts.

Robert W Hull
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Old 03-26-2010, 04:41 AM   #27
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If, and this is a big if:

You don't want it buried and forgotten, and you have it fully developed and operational.

File a provisional patent application. Your innovation is protected and locked in to a time frame, as mine was in April 2006.

Then file internationally. It cost about $250,000, not a lot of the "chump change", by your own definition.

Once your applications are filed internationally, it would be practically impossible, for every country of the planet that recognizes international PICT treaty to collude and destroy the process of patenting your idea.

If, indeed, your motives are more altruistic than the content of your posts here would lead a reader to believe, then you definitely should protect yourself with patents. Once the provisional application has been filed, your patent is pending and you are protected.

However, don't expect many people to believe you until you have made it painfully obvious that every professional engineer who has lived on the earth before your appearance with the energy solution of all times, has been educated improperly at great expense.

I am following a similar pathway myself, so my experience is first hand. A healthy amount of scepticism is to be expected when you make claims that seem to be beyond believability.

Remember doubting Thomas from the Bible. Only Nigerian lottery winners exceed the level of nefarious propositions as us who promote truly significant improvements in vehicle efficiency.

The threshold of proof is extreme. Just look at how many people fell for the HHO scam.

Not saying you are in the same category, but it will require some real independent testing to get to the status of planetary acceptance.

In the meantime, if you really want to succeed, I would earnestly suggest you drop the ego at the door and treat people as your equal, with respect and compassion. Whether they have or lack your vast knowledge and experience is something that, if you insist they admit this, will inevitably cause your failure because for every great leader in technology, you need millions of followers to keep your sense of self worth elevated above the poor mass of followers.

Many people on this planet who could have changed the world for the better have failed miserably for the simple reason that they did not posses the ability for basic human interaction. The secret of how to accomplish that interaction is to leave the listener feeling like he has benefited from the interaction.

Knowledge in an of itself is a condemnation to loneliness without effective communication.

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Old 03-26-2010, 05:59 AM   #28
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Welcome aboard!

I know what pressure is, I know what a field (electrical, magnetic, corn) is. But I don't know what a pressure field is either...

Anyhow, sounds very intriguing, and I hope you keep us updated on the development of your new secret technology.

I will also invite you to start a gas log on our site - even if just for your own benefit to track how various modifications affect your mileage. And simply recording your MPG would not be enough for anyone to copy your technology.

And if you do decide to pursue an EFI application, there are a few of us who could figure out how to program the system for you. But you seem to imply that your system depends on some kind of electric field which might be disrupted by injectors, so perhaps a carb is the best thing for you.

And one caution about patents: at my former employer, it was well known that patents should be avoided because some (rather large) countries have no respect for intellectual property. If you truly have something that would probably never be discovered otherwise, then it could be in your best interest to keep it to yourself (and others whom you really, really trust), along with dated documentation (including diaries and experiments) to prove your case in the even that there is ever a controversy.

I don't think posts such as this ("my technology exists but I won't tell you anything else") on an internet forum would qualify as adequate documentation about your claim, in case you ever have to defend it legally. If, however, you were to put more factual data, that might help. But it would also make your information more public than you seem to want it. The fact that we know you exist plus a couple of bucks will get you a cup of coffee...

Add me to the list of skeptics - an engine that runs cooler than ambient is pretty unbelievable by any standard. However I've also seen my share of unbelievables that turn out to be accurate, so I have developed somewhat of a tolerance. However, ultimately, I'll still want to see some proof of some sort.

-Bob C.
Think you are saving gas? Prove it by starting a Gas Log, then conduct a proper experiment.
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:18 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by bobc455 View Post
And one caution about patents: at my former employer, it was well known that patents should be avoided because some (rather large) countries have no respect for intellectual property. If you truly have something that would probably never be discovered otherwise, then it could be in your best interest to keep it to yourself (and others whom you really, really trust), along with dated documentation (including diaries and experiments) to prove your case in the even that there is ever a controversy.
Ok... Maybe it is just me... But why the hell would you want to keep something like this so secretive... So no one would steal it? Sure if no one knows about it, no one can steal it, but if no one knows about it than no one benefits from it either.

I found a way to run my car off banana peels and trash just like in Back to the Future, but I do not want to patent my idea so no one can steal it... I also do not want anyone to see the car, because they might steal that... So I have it locked in a hidden building somewhere. The government has found out and tried to "get rid of me" many times. *KNOCK KNOCK* Oh no! *throws foil hat and runs* It's them... They are here to get me again...

Sorry for the excessive sarcasm.

Robert even mentions... And I quote, "Why would I post this?
I do not want it lost or hid so many other efficient systems.
I want it to stir the "tinkerers of the world" curiosity."

If you do not want it lost or hid away, then why will you not go into better detail of what it is and how you start to set it up? Right now it is still going to die/get lost/hid away because Robert himself said that only 10 people have ever seen it.

He also says, "If by chance...just one of the "fuel efficient gurus" tests/adds my system with the 60-90 mpg vehicles already built?"

How the hell can anyone test it, if no one is "allowed" to know the secret...

Ok, posted my mind... guess I am out for the testing, since I 'burnt my bridges' if you will... lol
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:25 AM   #30
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If you want to market this technology- then file for a patent. If all that you said is true, we'll read about you in the newspapers in a few years right up there with Bill Gates. By spreading the word, you may be letting others steal and patent your idea.

If you are looking for investors- then put together a portfolio with a description, experimental results and details of possible returns on investment.

If you are looking for people to independently test your invention to spread the word that it works- then you will need to give detailed, step by step instructions on how to convert a vehicle to your system. Then we will post gas logs for the world to see (several of us still drive carbureted vehicles)

If you truly want to share this as your gift to the world, to make the world a better place- I commend you, that is admirable! But the next step is giving detailed, step by step instructions of the conversion to everyone. If you do not do this, then your invention may be lost to history.

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