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Old 04-11-2010, 07:23 PM   #101
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..I also wonder why those "real numbers" are not listed by California any longer.
All the hassle of defining gases...and now the readout is a point system?
What are they hiding?
More blinding paperwork.
It appears that we are no longer allowed to know as much as we once did.
Odd censorship, isn't it.
Burden of proof? R U a lawyer?
convert? just pointing where to look.


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Old 04-11-2010, 07:31 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by bobc455 View Post
That looks clean? Looks pretty ugly to me! (J/K)

By the way, Robert, I'm sure you are inundated with offers for test-mules, but I'd be happy to throw my vehicle into the mix.

Right now my car has a 455 which has been converted to EFI, however it would take only about 90 minutes to convert back to a carbureted arrangement. I already have a complete low-pressure fuel system (set to 5.5 PSI right now - used for my nitrous system), and all I'd have to do is unplug my injectors, remove my throttle body, bolt on a carb, and reconnect a few fuel lines. The car has a very tall rearend ratio (2.56), which seems like it would be good for your system.

The car is also set up to make it very easy to put in all kinds of modifications, so for example if I wanted to add water injection or something it could be done very quickly. There is plenty of room to mount electronics or other gizmos.

And the nice thing is that the engine is on its last legs so even if something destroys my engine I'm not gonna be all that upset. And the rest of the drivetrain is very beefy, so it can handle lots and lots of torque (probably limited to about 900 ft-lbs right now, due to my current torque converter).

The only downsides are that there is a bit more blowby than I'd like (hence the need for a rebuild soon), and the cam is not optimized for EFI (although this might be okay for you, I'm not sure). And my ignition is computer programmed, which although it adds a lot of versatility to the timing, does mean that I can't conveniently switch back to a points distributor. I probably could do that if required, however, I'm sure I could go purchase a points distributor.

I would also be happy to keep a confidentiality agreement and let you do all of the marketing / publicity.

I appreciate the offer.
I think you are sincere.
I will decline, as I am full at the moment.


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Old 04-12-2010, 05:47 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
The exhaust smells alright. It doesn't choke you, but its not as "clean" smelling as my 98 K1500, but the 98 K1500 has EFI. I don't have detailed numbers on the 98 K1500 because since its OBD II all they do is read the computer to determine if it passes.
Jay2The Rescue,
Thank you for making that post.
A perfect example of "What is it good for?"

I will put this to you, before the emissions test, just to satisfy people close to me, I decided to exceed EPA standards.
This was accomplished by using reverse osmosis a plastic bucket...3 gallon capacity.
I ran the exhaust pipe into the water...for 60 minutes...then sent samples to a lab for testing...if the water was clean enough to dispose of in city sewer systems.
I know that can bite you in the an experiementer.
I specifically had it tested for any reasons it was unsafe.
The lab results concluded nothing hazardous.
Their comment was...looks like pool water that needs a minimal chlorine 60 days.
I was quite surprised that when I told my methodology of testing to a PHD he smiled and was quite impressed I had been so thorough.
The facts that it was not some degree...surprised my self as well.
I can't say every vehicle's exhaust will test alkaline...rather than acidic...but those tested did.
The simple ph strips used for fish a very good indicator using this methodology of testing the idle....or any speed.
I could not trust my sense of a constant...noone can.

What about alkaline water that is so special?
more concentrated/denser negative ion content.
This is scientific facts....pure physics.

Why would I trust the EPA anyway?

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Old 04-17-2010, 07:03 AM   #104
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I do want you to know that I did read your posts about the regeneraion capture using the hydralic oil and KUDO's to your acheivements.
I noticed most of all you were very surprised with your initial testing parts...that they are reversible.
As a person who at one time was certified 30 ton Hydralic cranes with Exxon,
the concept is astoundingly efficient.
with compressing oil...heat accumulation and removal of that heat is a constant source of concern.
I suggest you google "SMART OIL" to further refine your capabilites of control of these heat issues.
It is another way to manipulaite oil...that is just emerging.
This is used on several models for adjusting the oil viscocity properties of the oil ...eliminating much of the valving production costs...that abosrb shock and give us the smooth stable rides of more luxurious cars.
What is not those that by using these techniques of adjusting viscosities of the oil...the heat absorbtion qualities are also highly affected...
so the deterioration aspects...of the oil...can be adjusted to not absorb any foreign materials...or heat.
That system you designed/patented eliminates many brake parts...rotor assemblies and bearing issues ...along the same line of thinking.
The oil reserves lower the center of gravity if placed correctly and could sophisticated 'ballast systems' could improve so many aspects of road control.

I would promote this design as it will eliminate the asbestos brake linings issues...cost of recyling all those worn out brake shoes and drums....should open your developers to carbon credits directions.
What we have in common...NOONE WOULD BELIEVE IT IS POSSIBLE...
The slurred comment about the an organization...has a long history of not supporting exhaust emmission improvements...and that is a lot to overcome...aligning yourself with all that 'baggage" will take some PR work.
Consider this post as a favor from one innovator to another.
The efficiency of my system...combined with your system would make this hybird system...last about ??? years with very little or no mantainance.
The oil contamination issues would be "solved" ???

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Old 06-14-2012, 06:24 AM   #105
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Re: The Hull Effect
"Sylvie" 2000 Honda Insight 5 Speed

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Old 06-15-2012, 04:51 AM   #106
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Re: The Hull Effect

Rats. Sounds like the world will now never reap the benefits of this technology.
Think you are saving gas? Prove it by starting a Gas Log, then conduct a proper experiment.
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:04 PM   #107
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Re: The Hull Effect

"By improving the thermodynamic heat exchange by several times, greatly reducing the "drag" of all fluids, improving the viscocities of all fluids, decreasing the aero-dynamic drag by creating and maintaining a "static electrical field"... via the manipulations of the frequencies created by the alternator."




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