TDI Diesel Cars?
Right now there are currently 3 consumer Turbo Diesel Vehicles in the USA?
There is the Volkswagon TDI Jetta, Bettle and Golf. All getting pretty good FE. What are your thoughts on the TDI vehicles compared to Hybirds?
If you really think about it, are hybirds worth saving?? Keep in mind that the battery really weighs down the vehicle. On top of that you have to replace the battery eventually, and its not cheap replacing.
Another alternative is getting a Tubo Diesel. I know the golf TDI will get you well over the 50 MPG mark. Diesel engines are known to last longer than gasoline engines.
My Gas Saver:
1994 Honda Civic DX Automatic
2003 Toyota Camry SE
Non Gas Saver:
1994 Toyota Supra Twin Turbo