Originally Posted by Lug_Nut
Monday's Boston to Shreveport via Memphis instead became Boston to Shreveport via Detroit whch then turned into Detroit to Shreveport via Houston. It took me 17 1/2 hours. My luggage? It took the same 24 hours to get that to my hotel that it took me to drive my second TDI from New Orleans to Boston.
My return SHV-IAH-BOS trip on Wed was a more tolerable at 10 1/2 hours from hotel to home.
Ah, sounds like good ol' Northwest for ya. If you can make it to Memphis, it's probably one of the best major hubs around. Very different from Atlanta, Dallas, Newark, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Detroit, O'hare (O'magosh), Detroit, or MSP. Weather is rarely a factor, and ATC can keep up with the demand -- even with scores of FedEx planes departing all afternoon.
I usually carry-on, but on a personal trip last month I checked, and of course, Southwest forgot to take our luggage off the plane before it headed elsewhere and off went my suit for a wedding the next day.
It arrived EARLY the next morning just in time to get ready.
What's wierd is I'm in Lexington, KY right now and flew in on Delta. I hope they don't get confused which runway to take tomorrow. It's a bit eerie considering what happened recently.