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Old 07-02-2007, 12:14 PM   #21
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LOL no, you can have ALOT of engine threaring debris and conamanents in oil its mostly carbon=blowby from firing, thats why used oil is black because of the carbon deposits, which if you go to long thats what sludge is, oil so loaded with carbon deposits that it starts turning into syrup... i dont think thats even possible to visually notice an increace becasue of dirty oil...?!?!

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Old 07-02-2007, 02:32 PM   #22
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I wouldn't think that carbon is going to be a problem with proper mixture control of new modern engines. From what Miro says that sludge is just the dino oil breaking down and since his doesn't break down then there is no sludge. There is a small amount of "ash" that is generated and that is held in suspension in the oil with some of the additives as well as some of the sacrificial chemicals get "used" up to neutralize acids etc. which get replenished with the "Add Oil". Having seen oil turn pretty solid from just sitting around outside of an engine I can understand what he is talking about. By the way the Slick50 Gear treatment I have is about 20 years old and didn't have any hardening or foul smell to it in the quart can about 1/3 full. I would think that the filter would remove that - including BTW the traces of the original oil that will eventually breakdown into sludge. I already have seen some of the original power steering fluid float to the top and stick to the dip stick level indicator in the cap. The synlube PS fluid if more dense than the factory PS fluid.

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Old 07-02-2007, 02:49 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by JanGeo View Post
Zpiloto -Initial fill was all I needed because I still had the original factory breakin oil in the engine. I got 4 quarts $32, filter $24, 3 filter magnets $12, quart of add oil $30, 2 quarts of tranny gear lube $66, quart Power Steering fluid $40 = 300then got some discounts for getting all the lubes at once and the recycled containers so it came out to about $260. Next add two more filters for 150,000 miles and maybe another add oil $24+24+30 = $78 should be my lube costs. Then subtract some referral fees - yeah you refer someone and they can credit you a percent of the purchase back to you - I have one so far for about $18 which I told Miro to apply towards my next filter I will be changing at 3,700+36,000 miles.
Average speed 25-30 mph the last tank was 13.6 hours usually they are 20 hours.
This would be great for a new car but just not cost effective for a beater. Is it recommended to do oil samples also to keep up with the TBN count and filter status? I'm sure your aware of the hour limit on the lube. If your closer to 25 mph average you'll have to knock off from the mileage a bit.

His site does leave quite a bit to be desired. It a shame but multi -media really helps sell the products now a days. Kinda of like politicans the better they look the better chance they have of winning regardless of substance. His site is very informative just wish he would list references or links to some of his claims and modernize it. Keep us posted.
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Old 07-02-2007, 05:11 PM   #24
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My typical driving is rather slow because the limit is 25mph for the first 20 minutes and last 20 minutes of every trip out of town then it is 35mph and lights then a few miles on the highway at 50-55 and then back to 25mph for 10 more minutes or more. When I start doing more highway trips to PA and Maine then the miles will rack up quickly and that is when you can see the advantage of the Synlube. No trying to figure out when to change the oil before or after a trip - check the level and go!

As far as the site is concerned he is probably too busy managing the business to worry about how the site looks. Keep in mind that he spends about an hour on the phone with each new customer before a sale is made to be sure that you get the products that are right for your application. He even travels to customers and installs the Synlube himself. My one referral so far was to a woman in California and he was traveling out that way on a trip and did a double Synlube install. My referral was an automatic xB and I am not sure if the tranny was changed or not.

Yeah a beater is not an ideal install platform since the amount of wear the engine has already gone through is at question. But it really depends upon how long you want it to last. You probably could move the lube to another car but there is some question in my mind about what gets deposited in the engine once you start running the lube that may not move with it when changed to another engine. Maybe a credit by sending it back then getting new lube for the next car would be the way to go.

The oil analysis is not really needed but I think he checks the oil at the filter change interval from the old filter contents. A conventional oil test is not going to show the expected results because of the nature of the lube - it is explained in the website - the lube contains a sacrificial iron compound which shows up as metal in a wear test throwing off the results which you have to compensate for. My best indicator is going to be the smell of it and the mileage that I constantly monitor. I know from my Dino oil days that when the engine starts getting noisy and the mileage starts to drop then it is past the oil change interval. Your best bet for a beater is a quick bottle of PTFE from Slick50 or someone that you just add to the oil.
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Old 07-02-2007, 06:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by JanGeo View Post
Image is not everything - you should see the used oil containers that I got my lube in - but you know what . . . it doesn't matter that a fleet user returned a bunch of plastic bottles that they shipped my lube in and gave me a discount when they did. There are plenty of sites out there that look a lot prettier and are scams - this one happens to have been created WAY before all the fancy programs were even written to make web pages. You should have seen my first web pages from 1996 when no one knew what the internet was.

Bottom line is I took a chance and used it in my new car and it is WORKING GREAT and runs quieter than any Scion or any other engine I have ever heard. I will probably NEVER see a leaking drain plug and in about 2 years I will be changing a filter. I will be adding about 1/4 of a quart after 11,000 miles of driving to bring it up to the full mark from half when it only at the 3/4 mark when I put it in.
I would be really interested in your mileage progress!!
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Old 07-03-2007, 03:47 AM   #26
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I think the garage tells it all - I seem to have reached the plateau - I pretty consistantly get 45-48mpg on my trips between my office and home with an occasional 50-52 like yesterday when I get a few good coasts and the engine settles down to a 0.1gph idle during the coasting. The next thing I will be working on is getting the higher speed MPG increased with some vortex generators and maybe cable control of my folding outside mirrors.
With my increase use of engine braking I think I can start adjusting my ScanGaugeII fuel adjustment at fillup also since that has consistantly been off (high) indicating less MPG than I actually have been getting.
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Old 07-10-2007, 11:47 AM   #27
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Another car goes 84,245 miles without oil changes.
SynLube's Lube-4-Life? System makes it possible.

July 7, 2007 -- Diamond Bar, CA.

84,245 miles / 1,950 days / 2,316 engine hours = without oil changes !

Although all fluid levels were monitored, and if needed additional fluids were added, they were never drained out or replaced.

The 2001 FORD Crown Victoria owned by Automobile Club of Southern California and used for chauffeuring of the club?s top executives throughout Southern California, was converted to SynLube? Lube4Life? products on March 6, 2002 @ 16,535 miles (Motor Oil SAE 5W-50, Power Steering Fluid (PSF), Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF-5) & Differential Gear Oil SAE 70W-90).
Made in USA, SynLube? Lube4Life? products are 100% Synthetic non-petroleum colloidal super lubricants.

2001 FORD Crown Victoria with 4.6L V8 engine
The vehicle now has over 100,000 miles on the odo.

The use of SynLube? Lube4Life? Functional Fluids not only eliminated most of the routine maintenance, but also contributed to reliable vehicle life without performance degradation in fuel economy or exhaust emissions.

The staff of Automobile Club owned Automotive Research Center in Diamond Bar, California constantly monitored the car?s fuel economy. It remained unchanged throughout the test at 19-MPG City & 32-MPG Highway.

Vehicle's environmental impact was also substantially reduced, not only because no used waste oil was generated, but also because exhaust emission levels even at 100,000 total odo miles are still maintained well below the levels required for new 2001 model vehicles.

These facts were verified by performance of several emission & fuel economy tests as specified in Code of Federal Regulations section 40 Part 86 and part 600, immediately before and after SynLube? Lube4Life? products installation (16,532 miles and 16,996 miles respectively) as well at 49,126; 74,021 and 100,180 total miles on the vehicle.

Yet another car proves that Permanent non-petroleum SynLube? Lube4Life? Functional Fluids are a viable alternative to conventional petroleum based fluids, which must be periodically and frequently changed to maintain vehicle in a good operating condition.

Project Description: SynLube Lubricants Long Term Test
AAA Project Identification Number: 81
Project Number: 2002-0317-1
Project Begin Date: 2/26/2002
Project Finish Date: 7/6/2007

For More Information Contact:
Miro Kefurt, CEO
SynLube, Inc.
2961 Industrial Road #300
Las Vegas, NV 89109-1134
Tel: 702-683-8292
FAX: 702-368-4132
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Old 04-19-2009, 01:36 PM   #28
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See this about SynLube Lube-4-Life?

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